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在半学期后的班干部改选中,她终于被选上了。Re-elects after the semester class cadre, she is elected finally.

非常任理事国由联合国大会每年秋天选举产生,每年改选5个席位。By the non-permanent members elected by the General Assembly every autumn, 5 seats each election.

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1964年他轻松地赢得了改选,但之后人气的下降使民主党在1968年的选举中大败而归。He won the re-elections easily in 1964 but he became less popular and by 1968 his party collapsed.

本次中期选举改选的是众议院全部435个议席和参议院100个议席中的37个。The mid-term election is the election of all 435 House seats and 100 seats in the Senate 37. 38 U.

其他的民主党人如密苏里州的克莱尔马克卡斯基尔在那些支持枪支管理议案的州里参加改选的形势严峻。Others, such as Claire McCaskill of Missouri, are facing difficult re-election battles in gun-friendly states.

荷兰继本月国会改选后,债券收益率差距持稳,且在欧元区为低档水准.Following this month's parliamentary elections, the Dutch bond spread has remained stable and low within the bloc.

在改选一半席位的下院,如今基什内尔夫妇的支持者们在257席中只占115席。In the lower house, where half the seats were in play, the Kirchners' supporters now have just 115 of the 257 seats.

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其章程是在能够改选这项宗旨的认可机构间建立一个相互承认协议网络。Its charter is to re-election in this purpose of accreditation agency to build a mutual recognition agreement network.

会议改选联合国人权理事会18个成员国,191个联合国会员国的代表出席并投票。The Assembly reelected 18 member states of International Council for Human Rights, with 191 representatives from the U.

加州以支持环保著称的州长阿诺德。施瓦辛格在他的改选活动中抽身到会致辞。Arnold Schwarzenegger, California's green-minded governor, made a cameo appearance in the midst of his re-election campaign.

福斯特和卡森不久后将再次参加众议员竞选,因为众议院所有435个席位将在今年11月改选。Foster and Carson will not get a long break from the campaign trail -- all 435 House seats are up for re-election in November.

柯林斯师长教师只得撇开吉英不谈,改选伊丽莎白,一会儿就选定了──就在班纳特太太拨火的那一霎时之间选定的。Mr. Collins had only to change from Jane to Elizabeth -- and it was soon done -- done while Mrs. Bennet was stirring the fire.

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奥巴马表示如无例外,总统改选获胜后他会把首次国际访问安排在泰国这一在全球占有重要地位的国家。Mr. Obama says it's no accident he's making his first international trip since winning reelection to this important part of the globe.

此次改选的原因是总理的信任案被否决,因而导致了众议院被解散。The reason of this reelection is that the chancellor's vote of confidence is vetoed which results in the dissolution of the Parliament.

由于欧洲议会很快将要改选,因此议会议员至少也会在2010年才能看到改革的结果。With elections for a new parliament soon to take place, buy 2moons dil , MEPs are unlikely to see the reform. through until at least 2010.

但是在39个州一些甚至全部法官必须面对竞选和改选,这通常伴随着与法官身份不相称的大吹大擂。In America federal judges are as well. But in 39 states some or all judges must face election and re-election, often with unbecoming hoopla.

奥运会,是一个国际性的多媒体体育赛事以每四年改选一次,并包括夏季和冬季奥运会。The Olympic Games, or Olympics, are an international multi-sport event taking place every four years and comprising summer and winter games.

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如今,奥巴马自己在改选中形势严峻,这次他可能倾向于保持中立,不得罪任何一方。Mr Obama, facing a difficult re-election battle of his own, would probably prefer not to offend anyone by weighing in on either side this time.

同时他暗示,如遭雅虎拒绝,不排除通过改选雅虎董事会的手段进行敌意收购。At the same time he is alluded, if refuse by Yahoo, the step that does not eliminate to pass reelecting Yahoo board of directors undertakes animosity is bought.

但她同时也是一个选票赢家,尽管面临指控,民进党正在推举她到一个竞争激烈的镇上参加来年的县级立委改选。But she is also a vote-winner, and despite the charges against her, the party is seeking her re-election in hotly-contested town and county elections next year.