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侧斜井计算机软件研究。Study on the software of side-tracking wells.

双弓形弹簧片套管扶正器是斜井、水平井理想的套管扶正工具。It is ideal casing centralizer for both deflecting and horizontal well.

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斜井或定向井在压裂过程中,经常因出现砂堵导致施工失败。Sand plug always occurred during fracturing in slant well or directional well.

侧斜井井身剖面设计中的关键因素是井间距和各井眼的轨迹。The key factors in sidetracking well profile design are inter-well distance and well course.

在芯筒尾部的2号楼需要有一段封闭的吊顶区域以隐藏回风管道进入斜井。Tower 2 at core end needs a closed ceiling zone to hide the ducts of return air going into shafts.

介绍一种简便、易行、经济、实用的斜井施工通过流砂层的方法。A simple, feasible and economic way is introduced to construct the inclined shaft cross drift sand.

塔里木油田首次在TZ4—36—16定向井斜井段采用双简取芯技术并获得成功。Dual coring techniques were first successfully adopted in directional Well TZ436-16, Tarim Oilfield.

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斜井提升应同时设立电铃和电话两套信号系统。Bell signal systems and communication systems must be using at same time for decline hoisting system.

论述了带有渣仓的斜井出渣系统的设计及其运行效果。The design of an inclined shaft mucking system with spoil tank and its operation are discussed herein.

用斜井钻孔崩落资料求取地壳应力状态是一个非线性反演问题。It is a non linear inversion to calculate crustal stress field with collapse data of inclined borehole.

在环空流动过程中,随井深增加,斜井段与相应垂直井段的压力值不同。In the annulus flow, the pressures in deviated hole and the corresponding vertical hole vary with depth.

这是态度恶劣,以一斜井普通钢板对自己刮出来的遗骸变成一个人的碗。It is poor manners to incline a common plate towards oneself and scrape out the remains into one's bowl.

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在抽水蓄能电站中斜井开挖施工历来是一个难点。The excavation of inclined shaft was always difficult in the construction of Pumped-Storage Power Station.

介绍了撞楔法在恢复水淹斜井中的优点与施工过程。The advantages and construction process of bumping beam method used in recovering flooded slope are introduced.

双弓形弹簧片套管扶正器是斜井、水平井理想的套管扶正工具。The one with double segmental spring leafs is the ideal centralizing tool for directional and horizontal wells.

乌鞘岭隧道4号斜井施工中突遇煤层,并有瓦斯释放。Coal stratum was encountered during excavation of inclined shaft No. 4 of Wushaoling Tunnel, and gas was released.

在斜井和水平井中,所有这些测井测量纵向的和水平电阻率的混合值。In deviated and horizontal wells, all these logs measure some mixture of both vertical and horizontal resistivity.

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因此,合理选择钻井液密度是防止霍尔果斯背斜井壁失稳的关键。The key to prevent the unstability of high stressed, high-dip stratification shale is proper drilling fluid density.

斜井运送物料时,务必确保所运物料捆牢放好,不致中途掉落。In the course of delivering materials in the decline, be ensure bundled tightly, would never fall off on the half way.

描述斜井的一个陈旧术语,通常是指在钻井过程中由于事故原因而使之倾斜的井眼。Antiquated term for a deviated wellbore, usually used to describe a well deviated accidentally during the drilling process.