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如何设为桌面壁纸?How to install wallpaper?

她用绝色壁纸裱糊房间。She papered the room green.

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我们正给浴室贴壁纸。We're papering the bathroom.

壁纸是成卷买的。Wallpaper is bought in rolls.

我不喜欢这壁纸的花样。I don't like the wall-paper design.

这些墙壁是用壁纸裱的。The walls were pasted with wallpaper.

壁纸因潮湿而变得焦黄。The wallpaper was brown with the damp.

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墙壁上没有壁纸,没有绘画,没有熟石灰。No wallpaper, no paint, no slaked lime.

壁纸的绝佳选择。The Beautiful pack of black wallpapers.

我们贴上壁纸盖住了墙上的污斑。We papered over the stains on the wall.

摇一摇手机即可更换锁屏壁纸。Shake your phone at any time to change it.

麦克风装在壁纸的背后。The mikes were bedded behind the wallpaper.

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我想我们可以粉刷一下并贴上壁纸。The walls were whitewashed as white as milk.

欣赏炫酷的壁纸、原音和原画设计。Enjoy cool wallpapers, soundtrack, and concept art.

因此,我们有什么壁纸为2010年3月收到?So what wallpapers have we received for March 2010?

我想我们可以粉刷一下并贴上壁纸。I suppose we could do the painting and wallpapering.

客房的墙上裱糊著有花卉图案的壁纸。Floral wallpaper adorned the walls of the guest room.

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下载酷铃声,壁纸,视频或游戏。Download cool ringtones, wallpapers, videos, or games.

这些可以制成一些漂亮的壁纸为你的房子。It's a helluva start, it could be made into a monster.

变形金刚的壁纸说明了一切。The Transformers wallpaper on this laptop says it all.