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限幅的波形表明需要改进静电屏蔽。A clipped waveform indicates a need to improve electrostatic shielding.

所有飞机都是静电屏蔽的,所以没有造成损失。All planes are electrostatically shielded so no damage hopefully to anyone inside!

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为防止静电干扰预期信号,可能有必要采用静电屏蔽。Electrostatic shielding may be necessary to prevent interference with a desired signal.

并初步探讨了PAN-PVA共混膜的静电屏蔽效应。And the electrostatic shielding effect of PAN-PVA blend film was discussed elementarily.

该二极管是感光性的,因此应与R1一起被安装在一个不透光的静电屏蔽套内。The diode is photosensitive, so it should be enclosed with R1 in a light-tight electrostatic shield.

开关和线圈之间的静电屏蔽会降低该电容值,最大可达百分之几。An electrostatic shield between the switch and the coil can reduce this value by as much as a factor of 100.

通过试验研究探讨了电除尘器电晕线支撑部分和屏蔽管静电屏蔽效应的规律。The rules for shadow effects of corona line and shielding tube in ESP are discussed based on experimental study.

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本文运用唯一性定理解释了静电屏蔽现象,并分析讨论了解决实际问题的静电屏蔽原则及其应用。The uniqueness theorem is applied in the phenomenon that static electric field is shielded, it explains the phenomenon.

采用保角变换的方法,计算了导体栅作屏蔽罩时的场强分布,所得结果表明导体栅具有很好的静电屏蔽作。The electric field when using conductor gratings as shielding walls is calculated by means of conformal mapping technique.

由于错误的读数可能由直流或交流静电场引起,所以静电屏蔽有助于尽量降低这种电场的影响。The erroneous readings may be due to either DC or AC electrostatic fields, so electrostatic shielding will help minimize the effects of these fields.

一种多层结构的防静电屏蔽片材,所述的片材本体由至少两层材料复合而成,且其中至少包括一层防静电层和至少一层屏蔽层。A multi-layer structure antistatic shielding sheet material is composed of at least two layers of materials, including at least an antistatic layer and at least a shielding layer.

并通过静电屏蔽、磁屏蔽、电磁屏蔽设计介绍了电子控制系统的屏蔽设计思路、方法与技巧。And through the electric shield, the magnetic shield, the electromagnetic screen design introduced the electronic control system shield design mentality, the method and the skill.

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从理论上深入地分析了导体对电磁波的屏蔽原理,指出它和静电屏蔽的区别并说明为什么光纤传输更具可靠性。This paper analyses in depth conductors shield principle, points out it is different from electrostatic shield of conductor, and explains why fibre transmission possesses more credibility.

利用电晕线支撑部分和屏蔽管的静电屏蔽效应,可以改善电除尘器板电流密度分布,减弱反电晕,并可得到高电压低电流的安全运行状态。By using this kind of shielding effects, the electric current density distribution can be improved, the back-corona can be reduced and the high voltage and low current state can be obtained.

利用连接到电路中一个低阻点的导体,将信号通路包裹起来,即实现了静电屏蔽,该低阻点最好是测量设备的LO输入端子。Electrostatic shielding is provided by surrounding the signal path with a conductor connected to a low impedance point in the circuit, preferably the LO input terminal of the measuring device.