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他力图说出他的感受。He tried to vocalize his feelings.

作者似乎在力图标新立异。The author seems to strain after novelty.

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我们总是力图使我们的视界开阔。We have always tried to broaden our minds.

在随后的几天内,我力图改进。In the days which followed I tried to improve.

阿多诺力图建立真正的自然美学。Adorno attempts to build real nature aesthetics.

我力图理解这篇有关核能的文章。I tried to digest this article on nuclear energy.

他们力图连赢巨人队5局使对手一分也没得。They managed to blank the Giants for five innings.

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我正力图劝他放弃这种尝试。I am trying to persuade him to give up the attempt.

她力图把她房间里的一切东西保持整洁。She endeavours to keep things neat in her apartment.

他们力图使新的作业方法更趋合理。They attempted to rationalize the new working method.

力,力矩,平衡受力图,绝缘成分。Forces, Moments, Equilibrium FBD, Component Isolation.

但我们总是力图做出尽可能正确的决定。But we al 'way' s try to make the best decis'ion we can.

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研究院主任尼尔·豪沃思力图平息事态。Howorth, director of the academy, tried to calm things down.

上湾煤矿计划到2015年力图将产量翻倍。The Shangwan mine plans to almost double its output by 2015.

这个侦察员力图弄清这一盗窃案的事实真象。The detective tried to ascertain the facts about the robbery.

在这个反复无常的世界里,我们竭力保持自身的一致性,力图善始善终。In an inconsistent world we at least should be self-consistent.

调查人员正力图准确地查出事故的原因。Investigators are trying to pinpoint the cause of the accident.

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她目前在庐山休养所,力图把身体养好。She is now at Lushan sanatorium and endeavouring to pull round.

力图恢复大草原的研究者们不经意问起过这个问题。This was the question the prairie restorers inadvertently asked.

研究院主任尼尔·豪沃思力图平息事态。Neil Howorth, director of the academy, tried to calm things down.