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神叮嘱我不要丧胆。God tells me not to faint.

医生叮嘱你要卧床休息。The doctor ordered you to stay in bed.

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曾经叮嘱他不要和任何人讲这事。He had been warned not to tell anyone about it.

林语慧曾经叮嘱高金榜提防程碧剑。Lin Yuhui once told Cheng Bijian to beware of high gold.

东株叮嘱母亲不准应用敏秀。East plant told mother no application susceptibility show.

当即叮嘱石敢当好好调查女杀手的去向。Immediately told stone I dare to survey murderesss whereabouts.

叮嘱小孩在亲抚任何一只狗时都要先经过狗主人的批准。Teach your child to ask a dog owner for permission before petting any dog.

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半夜时分他才想想了妻子的叮嘱,急匆匆赶回家。Not until the midnight did he recall his wife's words and hurried back home.

习惯于清水煮菜的夫人叮嘱道,显得有些兴奋,也有些担心。My wife, used to cooking in pure water, was excited, but a little bit worried.

研究人员叮嘱小孩不要向后面看,才离开房间。When the researcher briefly left the room, the children were told not to look.

小时候,父母总是叮嘱我们玩了玩具之后要收好。Our parents used to remind us to put our toys away when we were done with them.

约翰被他老子追急了,也就不顾不得老婆的叮嘱,说出了真情实事。Hard pressed by his father, John told the truth in spite of his wife's warnings.

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医生叮嘱他用稀释的硼酸溶液洗他的眼睛。The doctor told him to bathe his eyes with a very dilute solution of boric acid.

叮嘱他严守秘密,然后把这事讲出来。Then enjoining him to keep it strictly confidential, he told him the whole story.

当他外出狩猎的时候,他把仙丹放在一个盒子里并且叮嘱嫦娥不要打开它。He kept the elixir in a box while he went hunting and told his wife not to open it.

我洗了一张照片,叮嘱他们务必亲手把照片交给那个手艺人。I made a copy of the photo and made them promise to hand-deliver it to the artisans.

冉阿让的叮嘱和德纳第这名字早已使她麻木了。Jean Valjean's injunction, and the name of Madame Thenardier, had chilled her blood.

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楚轩淡然说道,看起来他纯粹就是在叮嘱各人一样。Chu Xuan is cool to say, look him pure be at give repeated advice to everyone similar.

我记得出国前叮嘱过你准备两套这样的礼服。I remembered having asked you to prepare two such dresses before our leaving, didn't I?

他叮嘱监斩官们仔细观察王临刑的言行。He told the officials at the execution to observe Wang's words and deeds very carefully.