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裸线式电热元件通常用镍铬合金丝制成。The open wire heating elements are usually made of nichrome wire.

裸线由蒸汽保护,以阻止裸铜线被氧化。The bare wire was protection by steam, so prevent copper bare wire oxidation.

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重要的是,本申请的电灯泡插座提供了简单的裸线插入连接。Begun contents are thing about light bulb socket that insertion juncture of bare wire is simple.

裸带式元件也和裸线式元件一样以镍铬合金丝制成并以同样方式绝缘。The open ribbon elements are also made of nichrome wire and are insulated in the same manner as the open wire elements.

同样,当鸟的翅膀、腕骨或湿翅膀接触到裸线或地线时,会因电线酿成大祸。Likewise, birds can get in trouble with power lines if wing or wrist bones–or wet feathers–connect bare wires and grounds.

确认所有的连接部分是否都连接得稳固。扬声器各端子间的扬声器裸线部分相接触时,可能引起短路。Make sure all connections are firm. Contact between bare speaker wires at the speaker terminals may cause a short-circuit.

运行和保养人员必须对裸线式电热元件的电气危险性,有相应的防护措施。Operating and maintenance personnel must be adequately protected from the electrical hazards associated with open electric elements.

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虽然这种可能性很小,但二极管故障可能最终导致一小部分裸线与金属盒接触。Although the possibility is remote3, diode failure4 might eventually cause a small section of bare wire to contact the metal cabinet.

裸线探头是测量空气温度的理想工具。可测液体,但不推荐用于食品检测。适用于。Bare wire probe that is ideal for air temperatures. Can be used in liquids, but not recommended for food products. Available in Type J, K, and T.

漆包线是绕组线的一个主要品种,由导体和绝缘层两部组成,裸线经退火软化后,再经过多次涂漆,烘焙而成。Enameled wire winding wires is one of the major varieties, by conductors and insulating layer two composition, terminals, then the softening annealing after several times of paint, baking and into.