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列车放慢了速度。The train slowed down.

一列车队呼啸而过。A motorcade whirred by.

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列车现在正点吗?Is the train on schedule?

列车在向北开。The train is going north.

这两次列车都经过屯溪。Both trains pbum by Tunxi.

这是一张列车时刻表。It is a railway timetable.

一列货运列车隆隆地驶过。A goods train trundled past.

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你看列车时刻表。Let me show you our schedule.

午夜列车的三号车厢。Third boxcar. midnight train.

我要买子弹头列车车票。I will buy a bullet train ticket.

一名柴油列车列车长又该如何是好?Or a conductor on a diesel train?

列车嘶嘶作响驶出了车站。The train hissed off the station.

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他们讨论乘哪次列车。They debated which train to take.

这班列车会在A停,对吗?This train stops at A,doesn't it?

货物列车的守车,苏澳站。A conductor car for freight train.

本次列车从3号站台发车。Our train departs from platform 3.

这趟列车直开上海。The train goes direct to Shanghai.

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前往柴湾列车即将到达。The train to Chai Wan is arriving.

您可以乘50次特快列车。You may take Express Train No. 50.

你将在8号轨道找到你的列车。You'll find your train at track 8.