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极端的以偏概全。Overgeneralization in the extreme.

以偏概全地谈论人是危险的。It is dangerous to generalize about people.

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下表中许多人是公关行业的,我知道这以偏概全了。Many in the list below are from the PR industry that I know so it’s biased in that way.

亚格兰说并不能因为阿富汗持续的战火而以偏概全忽略奥巴马的成就。Jagland said that the ongoing war in Afghanistan should not obscure Obama's achievements.

我们正经历这样的一天,终于有以偏概全的要让!We are going through the day with such tunnel vision that eventually something's got to give!

但我们不要用个别的极端言论以偏概全,更不要把示威者视为言行怪癖之人。But don’t let the most extreme statements stand in for the whole, or discount the demonstrators as oddballs.

只限制给护士下这种结论没问题,但不能由这个样本来以偏概全。It’s not a problem if you limit your conclusions to nurses, but you can’t extrapolate to all women from this sample.

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不过乔布斯也抱怨说有些开发者在抱怨他们的应用程序被枪毙时以偏概全。But Jobs also complained that some developers who complain about their apps being rejected don t tell the whole story.

不过乔布斯也抱怨说有些开发者在抱怨他们的应用程序被枪毙时以偏概全。But Jobs also complained that some developers who complain about their apps being rejected don't tell the whole story.

要防止少数的媒体不顾事实、违背道德、以偏概全、蓄意炒作、制造事端。We need to prevent false, immoral, biased and intentionally disruptive media reports from a minority of media outlets.

同时,也要防止少数的媒体不顾事实、违背道德、以偏概全、蓄意炒作、制造事端。At the same time, also want to prevent a few media regardless of the fact, moral, and intentionally disruptive, outlets.

首先,毋庸置疑,许多大学毕业生没有足够的技能,但是我们不能以偏概全。Firstly, admittedly, there are some college graduates who are not competent, but these students can not represent all the students.

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许多自称白人的网友表示,他们觉得这份菜单很“搞笑”,但也有人认为这将为不公平不真实的以偏概全推波助澜。Many people who say they are white found the menu 'funny, ' while others said it is just fuelling an unfair and untrue generalisation.

从历史上说,艺术的本质是美的这一假定,是十八世纪的西方哲学家局限于自己的时代而得出的一个以偏概全的结论。Historically, this assumption is an overgeneralization made by the Western philosophers in the 18th century limited within their own times.

虽然事情发生在青岛,不可以偏概全,但是看来,谈“艾”色变的状况依然存在。Although the matter took place in Qingdao, can not represent the whole picture, it seems, to talk about "Ai" the mere mention of the situation still exists.

在一般逻辑教科书中,把“以偏概全”作为一种逻辑错误,并指出在运用简单枚举法时应注意避免。In common logic textbooks, "taking a part for the whole" is considered as a logic error, so we are warned against such errors when using simple enumeration method.

然而,如果你认为中国博坛就是恒星、流星、人造卫星和月亮争奇斗艳的星空,那你就未免以偏概全了。However, it's a stretch to say Chinese blogosphere is like a night sky where planets, stars, meteorites, man-made stars and moons are trying to outshine each other.

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我不喜以偏概全,但以过往的经验,由于对人信任,日本是我可以建立长期关系的一个地方。I hate to generalize, but I think that, based on my experience, Japan has been a place where I have been able to build really lasting relationships, based on trust with people.

文献是科研中最基础的工作,但一旦在检索中出错,则会影响整个科研工作的准确性,如以偏概全,甚至产生偏倚等。Searching is a critical part of scientific research, as errors made in the search process potentially result in a biased or otherwise incomplete evidence base for the research.

把中国的“国民性批判”完全看作是西方殖民主义话语影响下的产物,这种推理显然存在着以偏概全的毛病。To China's "national character criticism" completely as a discourse of Western colonialism under the influence of the product, this reasoning is clear that there sweeping diseases.