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这个徒弟磨洋工。The apprentice lingered his work.

阿纳金…是你的徒弟了。Your apprentice Skywalker will be.

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杜库等待着,注视着他的徒弟。Dooku waited, watching his Padawan.

这个人,我的徒弟,李国煌。This person, is my disciple, Mark Lee.

他父亲送他去当理发师的徒弟。His father apprenticed him to a barber.

于是公孙龙收那人做徒弟。Gongsun Long took the man as his disciple.

他是一位能工巧匠的徒弟。He was an apprentice to a master craftsman.

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他身边有两个好徒弟。He has two good apprentices working with him.

他的徒弟老是乱放工具。His apprentice always leaves the tools about.

释德建也来了,还带着两个徒弟。Shi Dejian arrived with two of his disciples.

很快,萨那托斯成了魁刚第一个徒弟。Soon Xanatos becomes Qui-Gon's first apprentice.

这个徒弟老在闲荡,什么事也不干。The apprentice is always lazing about doing nothing.

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没错,我现在是赵先生的徒弟。That is correct. I am Mr. Zhao's apprentice at present.

本杰明·富兰克林的父亲把他送去当印刷商的徒弟。Beniamin franklin's father apprenticed him to a printer.

在一间孤立的小屋里,住著一位老僧侣和他年轻的徒弟。In a lonely hut lives an old monk with his young novice.

他是有史以来第一个学会了师傅千般武艺的徒弟。The first ever to master the thousand scrolls of kungfu.

他们不信任很多人去做追踪者,或者是做一个徒弟。They don't trust many to be trackers. Or to be apprentices.

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补充说一下,那会是成为我徒弟的优势。That would be good for my apprentice to have, complementary.

弗雷德里科斯夫妇将在这次比赛中和他们的徒弟同场竞技。The Fredericks will now be taking on their protege in the Games.

魁刚带回了他的徒弟,可是却失去了那个略有瑕疵的小男孩。He had his correct Padawan back. Now he missed the imperfect boy.