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终于取到了真经。Finally take the scriptures.

这是圣经的真经。This is the canon of Scripture.

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你知道人们在什麽时候默念真经?Do you know when people recite the Sutra?

走路是经行念真经最好的时机。Walking is the best timing for walking practice.

换成五字真经,运动即修行。Recite every word in every movement of exercising.

但是要念‘无字真经,你会不会念呢?However, to read 'no word Scriptures, you will not read it?

因此,就让我们从马克•扎克伯格的商学院里“窃取”几页真经吧。So let’s steal a few pages from Mark Zuckerberg’s school of business.

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“真经”变成了“成功”和“目标”的象征。"the Daoist scripture" has become "the success" and "the goal" symbol.

九阴真经,不管你在哪儿,我都会在你身边。Nine Yin true through, no matter where you are, I will be by your side.

等车、乘车的空档,可以默念真经或闭目守玄做玄关呼吸。Recite the Five Word Sutra or doing breathing practice in all kinds of waiting.

想扛整个组,先学会“背黑锅”。广告真经第一课!Taking the blame or taking one for the team?Get started on the advertising lessons.

念久了会发现默念真经速度会和自己心跳的速度一样,但不必刻意去调整,依个人习惯与喜爱的速度就可以。After reciting for a while, we may find its speed can be the same as our heart beat.

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唐三藏历经九九八十一难终于取得了真经。After eighty adventurous experiences, Tang Sanzang finally got the real Buddhist scripture.

但是无论我读了什么书,我发现所有的理财观都可以概括成以下几条朴实的真经。No matter what I read though, successfully getting ahead financially boils down to a few simple truths.

打出第二掌,林子里的狮子倒地而死……顺手再将“九阴真经”挥展一下。When he waved his palm again, the lions in the forest fell and died. So he tried Nine-Yin and Real-Jin.

这意味着九阴真经将与收拾器杨阳底层打交道,比如寄存器和堆栈。Thnext to means you will are deising with the low-level details of your processor, like registers and stair-conks.

他们一路上降妖伏魔,经历了81难,终于取回了真经。They subdue all kinds of demons during the journey and survive 81 calamities to eventually bring back the scriptures.

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一边咀嚼一边默念真经,每嚼一下默念一字,细嚼慢嚥,专心吃饭更有滋味。If we recite each word of the Sutra when eating or chewing once, this will help us focus on eating and make our meals more delicious.

这个我知道。你看他一路上经历了八十一种磨难,最后还是去西天取回了真经。I know this. You see, on the journey, he experienced 81 kinds of tribulations before successfully obtained the real Buddhist sutra from India.

现代派的真经是破除左导航、右导航的纠结,让用户尽可能专注在页面内容上,而不要被分心!The modern mantra is to do away with left-nav and right-nav and keep the user as occupied as possible on page content rather than distractions!