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那条道路肯定泥泞不堪。The road must be slushy.

他吃力地利泥泞中跋涉。He slogged through the mud.

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他在泥泞的路面上滑着走。His muddy slide onto the road.

那个男孩在泥泞中走来走去。The boy slopped about in the mud.

坦克开过泥泞的道路留下了道道车辙。Tanks had ploughed up muddy roads.

卡车行驶在泥泞的路上歪斜不稳。The muddy road careened the truck.

他们“踩”着泥泞的道路行进。They slopped along the muddy road.

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汽车在泥泞中穿过了村庄。The car slushed through the village.

我们又愉快地折回泥泞的道路。And we gaily return to the miry path.

谁能照亮一片黑暗而泥泞的天空?Can one illuminate a black and miry sky ?

捷径常是泥泞的。The shortest way is commonly the foulest.

我们愈往前走,道路愈泥泞。As we went along, the roads became muddier.

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他在泥泞的河底像一条鱼一样扑腾着。Flopped like a fish against the muddy ground.

当他在泥泞中滑行的时候,我超过了他。As he slithered across the mud I gained on him.

那辆旧车在泥泞的路上吃力地朝前开着。The old car was labouring along the muddy road.

人们鄙弃,—浊泉源于泥泞。Through public scorn, -mud from a muddy spring.

工人们穿过泥泞的田地走回家去。Labourers plodded home through the muddy fields.

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一阵大雨后,乡村的道路变得泥泞不堪。After a heavy rain, the country roads were souped.

这路太泥泞使所有前进的努力都白费劲。The deep mud negatived all the efforts to advance.

那时只有低矮的窝棚似的小房子和泥泞的道路。There was nothing except shacks and muddy streets.