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门打开时,吧嗒一声门儿碰着墙。The door unbolted, whacked back against the wall.

探讨声门型喉癌的CT诊断价值。To analyse the diagnostic value of CT for glottic carcinoma.

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声门区狭窄有不同程度的发音嘶哑。There were different phonetic hoarseness of glottic stenosis.

空气从肺部输出,首先通过声门。Air that is expelled from the lungs passes through the glottis.

呃逆是一个简短的自愿吸气运动其次是声门关闭。Hiccup is a brief involuntary inspiratory movement followed by glottal closure.

方法16例急性重症哮喘患者在常规治疗的同时进行经声门前高频喷射通气。Methods 16 acute severe asthma cases were treated by HFJV and routine treatment.

声门下区淋巴管网丰富,交织成网。The lymphatic vessels in infraglottic portions were also rich and interweaved a net.

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结果贯声门癌有别于声门上、声门型喉癌T2、T3期。Results The TGC was different from T2? T3 supraglottic or glottic carcinoma of larynx.

目的探讨喉声门上水平部分切除术的临床应用价值。Objective To evaluate the clinical value of supraglottic horizontal partial laryngectomy.

目的探讨声带切除术治疗早期声门型喉癌的临床疗效。Objective To evaluate the role of cordectomy to treat early glottic squamous cell carcinoma.

目的探讨半导体激光手术治疗早期声门癌的护理要点。Objective To study the nursing points of using semiconductor laser to cure early glottis cancer.

若气道扭曲,则应减少压力以充分暴露声门。If the airway becomes distorted, releasing cricoid pressure may improve visualization of the glottis.

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方法对50例跨声门癌全喉切除标本的连续切片进行观察分析。Methods Whole-organ serial sections of 50 transglottic cancer specimens were studied histopathologically.

当处于水下时,动物会把水推入到腮里,同时也把声门关闭了。When underwater, the animals pushed water past their gills while simultaneously pushing the glottis down.

LMVD与声门上型喉癌临床分期、淋巴结转移呈正相关。LMVD was associated with clinical stage, lymph node metastasis in laryngeal carcinoma of type supraglottic.

喉部送话器直接感受声门处皮肤的振动,不经过空气传导,因而具有很强的抗环境噪声干扰的能力。Throat microphone is highly immune to environmental noise because of its close contact with the throat skin.

目的应用颈侧位平片显示声门下异物的X线表现及其临床应用。Objective To evaluate the X ray findings of subglottic foreign body on lateral neck film in clinical diagnosis.

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助手可以轻轻地牵拉患者唇及颊的右侧,增加声门的可视度。An assistant can gently pull the right side of the patient's lip and cheek to enhance visibility of the glottis.

小囊可以逐步增大并且随时间扩展直到表现为一个声门旁或下颌下肿块。The saccule enlarges and expands gradually over time until it presents as a paralaryngeal or submandibular mass.

结论颈侧位平片对声门下异物是一项简单、安全、可靠的检查方法。Conclusion The lateral plain film of neck is a simple, safe and reliable examination for subglottic foreign body.