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当你有炮灰支援的时候才使用高斯炮。Use only with own cannon fodder.

塔利班真的不需要炮灰。They don't really need cannon fodder.

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超级奸角们都很喜欢他们的炮灰…A. Supervillains do love their cannon fodder.

这项条约迫使他们为它提供炮灰。The treaty obliged themtoprovide cannon -fodder for it.

这项条约迫使他们为它提供炮灰。The treaty obliged them to provide cannon-fodder for it.

战争贩子们视士兵为炮灰。In the eyes of warmongers, soldiers are nothing but cannon fodder.

最后的召唤术很明显就是召唤炮灰用的。Finally, it is clear the call operation is called cannon fodder used.

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在那场必定要失败的进攻中,步兵成了炮灰。The infantry were cannon-fodder in the attack that was bound to fail.

他们强迫你们去操练,限制你们地伙食&把你们当牲口看待,把你们推上疆场充任炮灰。Who drill you-diet you-treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder.

他们训练你们,供养你们,像牲口似的对待你们,把你们视如炮灰。Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder.

2002年在阿富汗,它第一次投入实战,现在则在伊拉克充当炮灰。First deployed in Afghanistan in 2002, it's now on active cannon-fodder duty in Iraq.

更进一步说,高砂义勇队根本是被日本殖民政权强迫牺牲的「战争炮灰」!They were nothing BUT forcibly sacrificed CANNON FODDERS for Imperial Japanese colonialism!

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霍芬海姆上赛季升入甲级伊始就被众球队当做是炮灰。Hoffenheim were instantly dismissed by many as cannon fodder after their promotion last season.

农民经常在战时被强行征召入伍,充任廉价炮灰。In times of war peasants are forced from their farms and drafted into levies. Good cannon fodder.

把一搓海盗想得如此善良,是考虑到他们变成炮灰的无辜。One twist to think so kind of piracy, taking into account that they are innocent become cannon fodder.

人民,这如此热爱炮手的炮灰,却还睁着眼睛在寻找他。The populace, however, that food for cannon which is so fond of the cannoneer, sought him with its glance.

这之后就只剩下游荡在曾经的弥漫硝烟战场上空的游魂和炮灰!This is only after wandering in the once filled with smoke over the battlefield and Youhun cannon fodder !

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我喜欢三个机枪兵搭配六个火箭兵的比例,但是我通常不大用步兵,他们大多是作炮灰。I prefer three Riflemen to six Rocketmen ratios, but I generally don't use much infantry, mostly as cannon fodder.

最弱的防御。只有当你有很多金属或是要造炮灰的时候才盖它们。对抗轻歼的表现普普。Weakest defense. Build only as cannon fodder or if you have too much metal. Average defense against small fighters.

他们装备长矛和盾牌,无论训练和盔甲都十分低劣,通常用于防御阵地充当炮灰。Given a long spear and shield, but little training or armour, they are only of use in defensive roles or as cannon fodder.