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“你好”是社交中的客套话。How do you do is a social formula.

你对我说过那些话,难道真的只是客套话,或是说着玩的吗?。The words you said was just a joke or formula ?

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她在演说之前说了几句客套话。She prefixed a few complimentary remarks to her speech.

你应该给你的孩子同样的客套话,你会答应给别人。You should give your child the same courtesies you would give to anyone else.

然后说些客套话,接着说声再见并往回走。Then continue pleasantries for a bit, before making your goodbyes and heading back.

客套话,为自己的失误而感到抱歉,也用于表示谦虚。Polite formula, to feel sorry for one's own mistakes it is also used ot show modesty.

大家都跟我说好莱坞爱新面孔,我可不这么认为。他们也许只是在跟你说客套话而已。People tell me that Hollywood loves new faces, but I don't know. They're probably just being nice.

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“或是说“在那个聚会中感觉很悲惨,和一群人说些客套话。”Or, “Felt so miserable at that party, making polite conversation with bunch of superficial people.”

恭敬谦让不如服从。是客套话,多在接受好处时说。It would be better to obey than to be respectful. This is a polite expession mainly used when accepting something.

中国人宴客,即使美味佳肴摆满一桌,主人也总习惯讲几句“多多包涵”等客套话。Chinese banquet table filled with delicious food even if the host is also always used to say a few "excuse me" and courtesy.

中国人宴客,即使美味佳肴摆满一桌,主人也总习惯讲几句“多多包涵”等客套话。Chinese banquet, even delicacies fill table, also the owner of habit make a few "covered a lot of" his kind words addressed.

我们之所以不假思索地说着或听着那些客套话,是因为其真正的重要性在于我们的这些客套话在社会交往中可起润滑作用。We say and hear things in a mindless fashion, because what's really important is that our words serve as a social lubricant.

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掌握日语中日常客套话的正确用法,对于在正常文化交流中避免不必要的误会,具有启发意义。The article points out its meaningful to master the correct use of euphemism and it can avoid unnecessary misunderstanding in communication.

相亲谎言就是相亲时出于礼貌而说的一些客套话,其中最常用的一句是“以后再联系”。Blind date lies are social formulae that are frequently used out of courtesy in blind dates, the most popular one is said to be "let's keep in touch".

避免例如“我能理解你的心情”之类的客套话,因为那只会让对方抓住机会回击道“不,你不会的,你不住在那里怎么会了解那里的情况”。Avoid cliches like “I understand how you're feeling. ” That's a recipe for them to fire back with “Oh no, you don't – how can you know what's it's like to live here”.

它省去了常规的称呼和信尾的客套话,但是要在本来该写称呼的地方增加一句表明信的内容的主题句。It leaves out the conventional salutation and complimentary close, invariably containing a subject line in lieu of the salutation indicating what the letter is about.

因为我们往往没有意识到我们自己礼节性地使用语言的诸多方式,我们从字面上去理解他人的客套话便不足为奇了。Since we tend to be unaware of many of the ways that we ourselves use language ritually, it should not surprise us when we interpret the rituals of others in a literal fashion.

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玉兰玉梅两人互瞧一眼,遂一左一右拉着钱月娇说些不着边际的客套话。Magnolia jade plum 2 human with each other the lo is one eye, accordingly a left a right the month Jiao pulling money mention some ceremonious words because faring off the mark.

机器翻译应对简单的问候语或者客套话还行,如果要理解外语文字的政治和文化含义,就得需要靠人工翻译了。Machine-based tools are fine for simple greetings and pleasantries. However, only human translators can help us understand the political and cultural nuances inherent in foreign texts.