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石油通过输油管输送到炼油厂。The oil is carried to the oil refinery by pipelines.

输油管管壁的任何部位疲劳变薄都有可能断裂漏油。Fatigue any part of the pipeline wall thinning oil spills are likely to break.

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沼气比较容易运输,并且输油管的技术已经发展得很成熟了。Methane is extremely easy to transport, and pipelines are a mature technology.

大庆石油通过这条输油管源源不断地流往北京。Through this pipeline, crude oil flows from Daqing to Beijing in a steady stream.

输油管是否接受、并在接合处放置了接油容器?Are bunkering hoses correctly and drip collecting trays in position at the joining part?

但这只是在发生真实的战争、伊朗和这个地区的输油管被切断的情况下才会发生。But that is only in the event of a real war and a cut-off of Irans and the regions spigots.

这次发生在港口城市大连的原油泄漏是由7月16日的输油管爆炸引起的。The oil spill, at the port city of Dalian, is the result of a pipeline explosion on July 16.

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政府将要求石油业所需物资-从输油管到轮船-在当地生产。The government will require oil-industry supplies—from pipes to ships—to be produced locally.

结果表明,输油管与伴热管上部加保温板有助于保持输油管的温度。The results show that the insulation board is benefit to maintain the temperature of pipelines.

这条输油管会给白灵熊的故事笼罩一层灰霾,还将增加它们面临的生存威胁。This pipeline plan adds another layer to the story of spirit bears and to the challenges they face.

在尼日利亚输油管遭受袭击以及苏格兰炼油工人罢工后,油价一直上涨。Oil was up earlier after an attack on a pipeline in Nigeria and a looming refinery strike in Scotland.

本文讨论炼油厂输油管网调线的最优化与自动问题。This paper deals with the optimization and automation of line-up in piping systems of petroleum refinery.

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我们要建立村庄,铺设输油管,填埋上百万吨的污染物。Villages would have to be constructed, pipelines laid and millions of tonnes of contaminated waste buried.

此项法律是世界银行集团本来为乍得-喀麦隆输油管项目提供支持的一个决定因素。This law was a deciding factor in the World Bank Group’s original support for the Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline.

除了有较高的能量含量外,生化丁醇还可通过现有的输油管运送,这也是乙醇不具备的优点。In addition to its higher energy content, biobutanol can be distributed through existing pipelines, while ethanol cannot.

介绍了在新疆胶结戈壁砂石地质状况下输油管沟的爆破开挖方法。The excavation blasting method for the oil delivery pipe in Xinjiang cement Gobi sand geological condition is introduced.

到处有棕榈树,但是在这个国家输油管无处不在。Palm trees are everywhere but the country is riddled with oil pipelines, snaking down the roadside inches away from homes.

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像2008年在拉各斯郊外发生的那一场输油管爆炸就造成了100多人的死亡,这类的输油管爆炸会越来越频繁。Pipeline explosions, like in the one that killed more than 100 people outside Lagos in 2008, are increasingly frequent as well.

同时,英国石油公司声称,从2006年开始,土耳其的杰伊汉港共有1,447艘油轮装载了来自BTC输油管的石油。Meanwhile, at the port of Ceyhan in Turkey, 1,447 tankers have been loaded with oil from the BTC pipeline since June 2006, says BP.

完整的燃油喷射系统基本上由燃油泵、输油管、燃油滤清器、喷油器、油压调节器和回油管组成。All fuel injection systems consist basically of a fuel pump, supply lines, fuel filter, injectors, pressure regulator, and return line.