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两个控制均衡器。Two equalizers for control.

内置3与低切滤波器频段均衡器。Built-in 3-band EQ with low-cut filter.

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弹性负载均衡器是一个比较简单的负载均衡器。Elastic Load Balancing is a fairly simple load balancer.

集群前端是一个软件HTTP负载均衡器。The cluster is fronted by a software HTTP load balancer.

图示均衡器传统上由滤波器组实现。Audio graphic equalizers are implemented by filter banks.

提出了一种新的均衡器——预滤波式均衡器。A new equalizer called pre-filtered equalizer is presented.

这两个波段均衡器,是英国的热情,著名的音乐声。The two-band British EQ is famous for its warm, musical sound.

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玛雅人用有刻度的衡器来计量时间,这在其他的文明中很少见。The Maya kept time on a scale few other cultures have considered.

负载均衡器用该地址来指示其自身。This is the address that the Load Balancer will refer to itself as.

采用特定频段编辑音频的专用均衡器。Proprietary Equalizer for editing audio using specific frequency bands.

用于各种电子汽车衡、料斗秤等电子衡器和力值检测的各个领域。Can be used in vehicle scales, hopper scales and fore measurement areas.

最后对未来动态增益均衡器的发展作了展望。In the end, we expected the future development of dynamic gain equalizers.

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衡器检定通常是采用直接加砝码法。Weighing instrument verification usually adopts direct plus weight method.

控制器36使用均衡器接收机34执行相同处理。The controller 36 performs the same process using the equalizer receiver 34.

本文介绍了一种时延均衡器的机助设计程序。This paper presents a computer program for delay equalizer automatic design.

与3波段参数均衡器,你可以很容易地调整回放你喜欢。With 3-Band Parametric Equalizer you may easily adjust playback as you like.

第一个参数是负载均衡器的名称,对您来说是惟一的。The first parameter is the name of the load balancer, which is unique to you.

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本文所述杠杆装置特指权衡器,包括天平和杆秤。The lever device in this paper refers in particular to balance and steelyard.

河北伟业计量衡器有限公司是您的理想选择。Weighing Apparatus Co. , Ltd. Hebei Albert measurement are your ideal choice.

本文提出一种适于用MOS技术集成实现的有源C钟形可变幅度均衡器。An active C-bump variable amplitude equalizer adapts to MOS IC-implementation.