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市场的法则是奇货可居!Market rules is to enjoy high!

她因其技术奇货可居,故可以主宰自己的薪金待遇。Her skills were in such demand that she could dictate her own salary.

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过来看,大蒜奇货可居,有人以此暴富。Come and see. Some became millionaires for hoarding garlic as a rare commodity.

甚至与人分享而非奇货可居,关爱他人而非炫耀自我有可能蔚然成风。Sharing instead of hoarding, and caring instead of flaunting may even become fashionable.

店主知道他的鸡奇货可居,所以就漫天要价,我也只能不情愿地挨宰了。The shop-keeper, aware of his chicken monopoly, demands an outrageous price, which I reluctantly pay.

曾几何时,它们是欧洲市场中最奇货可居的珍宝,也是庙堂之音中世代相传的精神印记。Once they were scarce treasure in European market and also spiritual marks in temples spread for generations.

每个流言都使他的商品从一文不值变得在市场上奇货可居。Each rumor built the value of his stock until his worthless holdings had become the most precious commodity on the market.

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围绕着知识产权和版权的法律技巧风光不再,奇货可居的方式也无法满足这个时代。Nor are legal skills surrounding Intellectual Property and Copyright very useful anymore. Nor are the skills of hoarding and scarcity.

一种方法就是和制造商联系,制作数以千计的产品,奇货可居,然后开个网店开始接受订单。One route is to contact a manufacturer, order units in the thousands, store the goods, and then set up a shop on the internet to push your inventory.

说到对某些类型的安全专家的需求,Herrin表示,那些拥有SAP安全经验的人现在可能要称得上奇货可居了。When it comes to demand for certain types of security professionals, those with SAP security experience "are probably the hottest of the hot right now," says Herrin.

不同于那些时尚项目,他们的目标是,持续的、热情的运营这家旅社,以期在酒店界推出实在的,奇货可居的服务。The opposite of a cool or trendy project, their goal is a sustainable, passionately run establishment that offers authenticity, a rare commodity in the world of city hotels.

当然财团若认为奇货可居,贪得无厌地狮子开大口,也不可能为政府、社会和市民所接受。Of course, neither the government nor the public would think it acceptable for either of them to be so greedy as to try to exact an exorbitant price in the belief that its assets are rare merchandise.