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花博会的展期将持续至明年4月25日。The exposition will last until April 25 next year.

展期的展场保卫及清洁保洁工作、展馆照明。Offer the service of guarding, cleaning and lighting.

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负责乙方布展、撤展期间共天的食住费用。Foot the bill made by Party B during the exhibition time.

方法对48例进展期胃癌病人用EFP方案治疗。Methods All the 48 patients were treated with EFP regimen.

国际金融公司这一新基金将提供展期融资,帮助对面临金融压力但仍可行的私人投资基础设施项目进行注资。privately-funded infrastructure projects facing financial distress.

目的评价术前化疗在进展期恶性胸腺瘤治疗中的作用。Objective To assess the effect of preoperative chemotherapy on invasive thymoma.

第四章基于多品种跨期的系列展期套期保值优化模型研究。The fourth chapter is the research on the optimal model of strip-and-roll hedge.

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进展期胃近侧癌的淋巴结转移和手术治疗。Lymph node metastasis and its surgical treatment in advanced proximal gastric cancer.

展会三天展期共吸引了来自全国各地的观众共计10280次。The expo lasted for three days, attracting more than 10280 persons all over the world.

展会三天展期共吸引了来自全国各地的观众共计10280次。The expo lasted for three days, attracting more than 10280 persons from all over the world.

在办理展期方面,护照办人员是很迅速的。“The passport office is pretty expeditious when it comes to handling renewals,” Teddy said.

然而,一贯道推行儒家思想的宏展期,要算是在台湾这六十多年来的发展了。However, the rapid growth of I-Kuan-Dao's promotion of Confucianism is during recent sixty years.

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在进展期HCC全身化疗效果很差,新辅助治疗更差。Systemic chemotherapies are minimally effective in advanced HCC and less so as neo-adjuvant therapy.

这也标志着可能会放弃法国支持的让银行对其持有的希腊债务展期的计划。It also marks the possible abandonment of a French-backed plan for banks to roll-over their Greek debt.

这根线仍在该博物馆的埃尔哈特特展中展示,展期至十一月十五日止。The thread remains on display at the museum as part of an Earhart exhibition that is on show until Nov. 15.

外科细胞减数治疗可以提高进展期卵巢癌妇女的化疗效果和存活率。A. Cytoreductive surgery improves response to chemotherapy and survival of women with advanced ovarian cancer.

债权人将很乐意展期投资于收益稳定并有利可图的政府债券。Creditors would bemore than happy to roll over their investments in stable and profitablegovernment securities.

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这座姚明的蜡像是从上海杜沙夫人蜡像馆租借而来,在纽约的展期为六个月,他的姿势就好像是在准备投篮。On loan from Madame Tussauds Shanghai for six months, Yao's figure is posed as if he is about to shoot a basket.

此次茶花展历时2个月,展期内200多个茶花品种将陆续亮相。The Camellia Show takes over two months, in which more than 200 various camellias will be presented successively.

方法对25例进展期早产儿视网膜病变的患儿进行临床及生物分子学检查。MethodsClinical examination and molecular genetic analyses were performed in 25 pre-term babies with advanced ROP.