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他是一个技术高超的修路工。He is a highly skilled road mender.

他在修路灯时因公殉职。He died on the job while repairing a streetlamp.

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他们还修路以保交通。They built roads, maintained some communication.

就像修路一样,得一段一段修。Like the same road, a section of a period of repair.

修路士兵忍受着高压和孤独。The road builders suffer high stress and loneliness.

在修路前,推土机先平整土地。The bulldozers grade the land before the road is built.

他们把老树全部砍倒,腾出地方修路。They leveled all the old trees to make way for the road.

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年,成长后的蓝锦锋决定带着村里人修路。In 2006, the grown-up Lan Jinfeng decided to build a road.

修路工程使当地居民叫苦连天。The road works caused much complaint among local neighbors.

修路工程使当地居民叫苦连天。The road-works caused much complaint among local neighbours.

他们修路,盖房,架桥,造船,铺管道,挖运河。They build roads, houses, bridges, ships, pipelines, and canals.

是啊。但如意他们修路的话。会造成交通堵塞的。Yes. But if they did road work. They would cause traffic delays.

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他们修路、盖房、架桥、造船、铺管道、挖运河。They build roads, houses, bridges, shellops, pipelines, and canals.

Burch这样劝说他的同事花钱修路。Burch, a parish leader, pleading with his colleagues for road spending.

我们7月初开始前来修路,至今已修了2个多月。We are the beginning of 7 to build roads, has built more than 2 months.

开了一个小时,车流又停住不动了,这次是因为前方在修路。After an hour's drive, traffic ground to a halt again – road construction this time.

我和朋友说话,而某人在我们身后正用手提钻在修路。I talk to my friend and someone repairing the road behind us starts up a jackhammer.

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修路的工头很明白这是什么地方,对任何人抱怨都没用。The foreman would have known his place. There was no point in complaining to anyone.

一个劳改犯人在监狱外修路的时候捡到1000元。A prisoner picked up 1,000yuan in the course of building the road outside the prison.

当双脚踏进这个校园,我几乎忘了校门外修路的喧嚣。When the feet entering the campus, I almost forgot the noisy road outside the school.