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我们必需在六点曩昔回家。We must be home by six.

但行动是必需的。But action is necessary.

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人人必需笃守规章制度。Everyone must keep the rules.

我必需赶得上最后期限。I ought to meet the deadline.

他们加入了必需的燃油。They added the necessary oil.

现在我们必需要继续迈向下一步。Now, also, we have to move on.

一条金腰带每箱是必需的。One belt per case is required.

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我们的方案必需失密。Our plan must remain a secret.

它会执行所有必需的工作。It does all the jobs necessary.

你们必需要学着仔细地阅读。You must learn to read closely.

咱们必需准时到那儿。We ought to arrive tITe on time.

如果必需的话,记笔记。Write down notes if you have to.

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广告费用必需预先支付。All advertising must be pre-paid.

我很抱歉必需拒绝你。I am sorry to changing you dhave.

聊天是夫妻间必需的。Chatting is necessary for couples.

对于恢复,重做日志是必需的。Redo logs are needed for recovery.

我们必需保护火种源!We must protect the Allspark cube!

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我必需赶九点半的火车。I must catch the nine-thirty train.

“你必需坚持耐烦,”他说。"You need to be patient, " he said.

食品和水对我们来说是必需的。Food and water is necessitous to us.