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两个人劫持了那架飞机。Two men hijacked the airplane.

别开枪!他劫持了一名女孩子作人质。Don't fire!He hijacked a girl as a hostage.

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在致远星战役关卡劫持一架妖姬战机。Hijacked a Banshee during the Reach Campaign.

两个人劫持了那架飞机。The men were intent on hijacking the airplane.

澳门赌场何鸿燊称被家人“劫持”分家。Macao casino tycoon says he was given raw deal.

韩国船只恐被索马里海盗劫持。S. Korea fears ship hijacked by Somali pirates.

劫持人质者在警方突袭中丧生。The hostage taker was killed in police assault.

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被劫持飞机上的乘客获救了。The passengers in the hijacked plane were saved.

昨天他们试图劫持我们的货车。Yesterday they tried to hijack some of our trucks.

一个好的例子是点击劫持漏洞利用。A good example of this is the clickjacking exploit.

他们劫持了货主,并抢走了他的所有东西。They held up the owner and robed him of everything.

遭索马里海盗劫持的美国船长跳海逃亡失败。US hostage fails in escape bid from Somali pirates.

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满载125名乘客的一架民航机在空中被劫持。A plane with 125 passengers was hijacked in the air.

强盗劫持了女继承人并向她索取赎金。The robber abduct the heiress and hold her to ransom.

2003年在英国发生了一起恐怖分子劫持公共汽车的事件。In 2003 in the UK a terrible bus hijacking took place.

可能他是害怕再次遭人劫持。Possibly he was afraid that he might be kidnaped again.

那架被劫持的飞机上面的乘客都已获救。The passengers of that highjacked airplane were rescued.

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这年头那些吸血鬼啊,都被柔和的爱情小说给劫持了。Those vamps got hijacked by a lot of soft-focus romance.

目前还不清楚他和劫持人质者有什么关系。It was unclear what his relation to the hostage-taker was.

在索马里海域,海盗们至少劫持着六艘船只。Pirates are holding at least six vessels in Somali waters.