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他的回答正好击中要害。His answer just hit the mark.

这是一个击中要害的质问。This is a very home question.

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你的答案正好击中要害。Your answer just hit the mark.

百事可乐击中要害。Pepsi-cola is the drink for you.

这话以致命的精确度击中要害。The shot hit its mark with deadly accuracy.

他很幸运,子弹没有击中要害器官。He was lucky that the bullet missed the vitals.

他没有过多的解释但却击中要害。He didn't explain so much but came to the point.

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关于他们的权力和偏见,阿格纽说过一些击中要害的大实话。Agnew had told some home truths about their power and bias.

击中要害,我自己从未有过那样的见解。His analysis really hit home. I had never seen myself in that light before.

他是一个善于辩论的人,他那有意的讽刺击中要害,他的对手被攻得面红耳赤。He was a skilful debater , and his calculated sarcasm went home. His opponent flushed under the attack.

百事可乐击中要害,份量十二盎司,五分镍币即可喝上两份,百事可乐是您的可乐。Pepsi-Cola hits the spot, Twelve full ounces, that's a lot, Twice as much for a nickel, too, Pepsi-Cola is the drink for you.

奥巴马总统雄辩地谈到责任,他击中要害,这是解决问题所需要的。President Obama spoke eloquently about responsibility. He hit the hammer on the nail. This is what solving the problem all is about.

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因此,当这两位年轻的企业家最初只是认为,他们解决了一个他们在当地自身遇到的问题时,他们已经击中要害,迎合了普遍的诉求。So while these young entrepreneurs initially thought they were responding to a personal need in their local area, they actually struck a universal chord.

逻辑可以使思维严谨、有条理,使立论牢不可破,使反驳击中要害,使辩论获得成功。The logic can make thinking rigorous and well-organized, make viewpoint indestructible as well, and then refute the opposite's vital point to succeed in debating.

世界末日的警报,从环保主义者似乎击中要害与汽车制造商争相最后割断他们依赖我们的脐化石燃料的使用。The doomsday warnings from environmentalists seem to be hitting home with car manufacturers as they scramble to finally sever our umbilical reliance on fossil fuels.