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小可你是好同志。Small can you be good comrades.

事情可小可大,希望不要因此BUG引起更多的是非。Things to CoCo, you not so BUG is causing more.

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总是用小可蝎子从侧翼进攻。Always flank with small groups of Scorpion Tanks.

我爷爷﹐小可﹐或许还有别人。For my grandfather, and Ke, may be for other also.

小可告诉我升级的方法,小可功不可没。Small can tell me the upgrade method, small can be denied.

苏小可找回了曾失去的童年记忆。Su Xiaoke looked for the childhood that ever lost to remember.

产品的过滤精度最小可达5微米以下。The Filtering precision can reach less than 5 microns. CATTE INDUSTRY CO.

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喷头、喷水管有阀门控制、喷水量大小可调。Sprinkling head, water-jet pipe have valve to control, water-spraying volume can be adjustable.

这样,我的手边就只剩下了一只棕褐色的小可卡犬,以及那只有唇腭裂的小狗。This left me with one brown and tan cocker, as well as the smaller puppy with the cleft lip and palate.

客户也可来样来图定制各类陶瓷花瓶,台灯,量小可订,价格保证最实惠。Customers can also provide their samples or pictures for custom-made vase or table lamp without any cost.

希炎身后就是路修,他背上始终伏着轩辕小可。Is rare burning after death is a road to fix, he back altitude always Fu write the Xuan Yuan is a little.

小可是好同志,至少虎子哥这么认为,没有小可我就不会认真接触这款游戏。Small but good comrades, at least gained brother so that there is no small can seriously I would not touch this game.

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他们预测到六十年代,美国会有能力制造氢弹,其重量小可由导弹装载。They predicted that by 1960, the United States would be creating hydrogen bombs so lightweight that missiles could carry them.

小可从发现自我要求及公公的期望,开始解构「要求完美」的背景。Xiao-Ke started to deconstruct the background of "being perfect" from self-finding and the expectation from her father-in-law.

分析了热像仪实际使用中视场搜索对最小可分辨温差MRTD的影响,提出了影响因素的修正公式。The effect of field-of-view-search on the MRTD of thermal imaging systems is analyzed. A formula for the revision of MRTD is proposed.

首先,这是一位叫“小可豆豆”的小妹妹拜托我发过来给哥哥看的。是真的吗?。Above all, this is one cries " small but fabaceous beans " little little sister requests me to send an elder brother to look. Be true?.

然而,当不能忽略体积变化时,压力大小可由测定其所处形态来计算出。If, however, the change in volume is not negligible, the compressibility of the gas must be taken into account in examining its behavior.

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系统最小可实现条田级的平衡施肥决策,实现县、乡、村、条田级数据的积累。This system can execute the balance fertilization decision of strip land in minimum and data accumulation of counties, mites and villages.

作者细节为合并得更小可提供的工具和技术,清洁,进能量管理计划的更有效率的能量。The author details the tools and technologies available for incorporating smaller, clean, more efficient energy into energy management plans.

利用等效相位中心原理建立了天线斜置情况下三通道运动目标回波信号模型,给出了天线倾斜角对动目标检测、最小可检测速度和盲速的影响。The echo model of moving target is established based on three channels with the slant-placed antennae in terms of the equivalent phase center principle.