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我想退货。I want retune.

我们不接受销价出售的物品的退货。We don't take returns on sale items.

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很多渠道商都要求退货。Many channels shangdu ask to return money.

对不起,我们不接受销价出售的物品的退货。Sorry, We don't take returns on sale items.

那一大捧不能退货的臭烘烘的东西该怎么办啊喂。Now I'm stuck with a bunch of crap I can't return.

授权退货服务之退货目的地为深圳。The return destination for RMA service is SHENZEN.

不过,仍有许多顾客对退货服务比较满意。Still, many customers have had positive experiences.

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采购填写退货单,进行定单退货。Return filled out procurement orders, orders to return.

下一节包括的权益的AUX退货。The next section to the right contains the AUX RETURNS.

一锤子买卖意味着你不能退货或是换货。A final sale means you cannot return or exchange the gift.

但是这次,我把吊牌给剪了,这样他就没法退货了。But this time I cut out the tags so he couldn’t return it.

恐怕根本就没有接受销价商品退货这一款。I'm afraid there are no returns at all on sale merchandise.

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本公司不接受巳开封或经人为损坏之退货要求。Not accept replacment once cosumer goods was opened or damaged.

有关退货事宜,请与您的产品供应商或售货商接洽。Contact your products supplier or vendor for return instructions.

礼品不设退货或退换现金。Gifts redeemed are non-returnable and cannot be exchanged for cash.

兑换的礼品不可退货或退换现金。Gifts redeemed are non-returnable and cannot be exchanged for cash.

有关退货事宜,请与您的产品供应商或售销商接洽。For product return, please contact with your product vendor or seller.

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中间商退货和终端客户退货截然不同。Returns from intermediaries are very different from end-customer returns.

如果不退货买家执意给差评我可以申诉吗?If you do not return to the bad comments buyer insists on appeal can I do?

退货时却发现“售后服务卡”联系电话是空号。Return to find "after customers" contact telephone number is empty number.