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征服你内心的邪念!Conquer your inner demons!

征服你所有内心的邪念!Conque all your inner demons!

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谁毫无邪念,唯知歌唱?Who thinketh no evil, but sings?

牧师规戒人们勿起邪念。The minister preached against evil.

他净化她满腹邪念的灵魂。He purified her spirit of evil thoughts.

也许那是他心存许久的邪念。That may have been what he had in mind all along.

鬼是指心起邪念、口说坏话与身作恶行的人。A ghost is someone who thinks, speaks and acts bad.

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这种音乐似乎能够荡涤人们心灵中的邪念。The music seems to purify one's spirit of evil thoughts.

不允许邪念毒害青年。Don't allow evil thoughts to poison young people's minds.

我是否还能战胜我的邪念并且感到我是被爱着的?Will I even be able to fend off my demons and feel loved?

如看到别人邪行邪念,该怎么来处置呢?If you see someone Xiexing evil thoughts, how to dispose of it in the?

他们态度恶劣,充满邪念,攀比,恶毒。They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice.

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美德不一定能使容貌变美,邪念却必然令人变丑。Virtue may not always make a face handsome, but vice will certainly make it ugly.

妇女用纽扣、蝴蝶结和花边打扮得花枝招展,被认为是有邪念的举止。Women were thought to be more provocative of sinful deliberation if gussied up in snap, bows and frills.

杰克逊喜欢有儿童簇拥,还经常跟他们睡在同一张床上,不过他说这样做是不带邪念的。Jackson surrounded himself with children, and often slept in the same bed with them – innocently, he claimed.

明白没有人报偿任何人邪念的恶果,但总是追求对其他人和所有事情都好的。See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always pursue what is good both for one another and for all.

很明显,在中国去遵循一个像“禁止邪念”这样的准则比在美国困难得多。Obviously, it is more difficult to follow a principle like "Don"t be evil" in China than in foreign countries.

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因此,作为一个没有白白具有思想而且懂得哲理的人,我对你既不谋求报复,也不怀有邪念。Therefore, as a man who has not thought and philosophised in vain, I seek no vengeance, plot no evil against thee.

客观上讲,谷歌说的“禁止邪念”也许太笼统,因为并没有特定的标准去衡量。Objectively speaking, it may be too general for Google to say "Don"t be evil" as there is no specific standard to gauge.

我绝不向暴力和犯罪妥协,我将文明执法,绝不带有任何邪念,恐惧和恩惠。I do not compromise to the violence and crime, I will civilized law enforcement, not with any evil thought, fear, and grace.