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起初,我在脑海中掘开了一个坟墓。Mentally I dug a grave.

闺蜜、你存在我深深的脑海里。Bestie, you deep in my mind.

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那些事实已印入他的脑海。The facts soaked into his mind.

总是把伊萨卡记在脑海里。Keep Ithaka always in your mind.

因为它们冻结在脑海。For they freeze within the brain.

她的脑海里闪过一个念头。A thought flashed before her mind.

在我的心之外,浮想在你的脑海。Out of my heart , in to your head.

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这种想法隐隐约约地浮现在我的脑海中。The thought rose dimly in my mind.

一个新主意闪现在他的脑海里。A fresh idea flashed upon his mind.

一个问题萦回在我的脑海中。A riot of questions filled my mind.

该想法深深印在了她的脑海中。The idea was imprinted on her mind.

这首歌将在我们脑海里萦绕数月。The song would haunt us for months.

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为什么这段话会留在我的脑海里?Why does that passage stay with me?

为什么……很多问题出现在我的脑海。A lot of questions arise in my mind.

我永远也不能把她从我的脑海中抹掉。I will never xed her out of my mind.

但很多声音在他脑海里叫唤着。But several were now screaming to him.

不要在你脑海里学习——大声的读出来!Don’t study in your head- study aloud!

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艾米莉在脑海里权衡着这些想法。Emily weighed these ideas in her mind.

我想知道,我是否曾出现在你脑海里。And I wonder if I ever cross your mind.

生活就是这样。我会想起那些人。还有你,住进脑海的新房客。I don't know. But my heart is going on.