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这药是外用的,不可内服。The medicine is for external use, not to drink.

这是用外用药,不可内服。And this is for external use , not for oral administration.

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治疗蛇咬伤。外用和内服。Treatment of snake bites. Applied topically and taken orally.

提示中药内服外敷是治疗胆石症的有效方法。Conclusion Internal and external medicine in effective for cholelithiasis.

其它的可以经过外用和内服产品来处置!Other products can be subjected to external and internal use to dispose of!

目的探讨内服外敷龙血竭胶囊在治疗寻常痤疮方面的效果。Objective To investigate the effect of dragon's blood capsules on acne vulgaris.

杆菌肽锌内服几乎不吸收,大部分在2天内随粪便排出。Oral bacitracin zinc is almost no absorption, most within 2 days with the feces.

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内服红花熬制的药汤,对沉血和痛经有帮助。Internally take Hong Hua in a decoction to help with blood stasis and painful menses.

想根除痘痘,肯定要用内服协作外用的一同治疗。Want to eradicate acne, definitely use the oral collaboration with topical treatment.

水疗法水的外用和内服,作为各种病症的治疗方法。Internal and external use of water as a therapeutic treatment for all forms of disease.

目的了解内服酮康唑对血清睾酮和雌二醇水平的影响情况。Objective To understand the effect of ketoconazole on serum testosterone and estradiol levels.

不可内服,如患处有伤口,必须将伤口清理妥当,方可使用本药。Not to be taken internally, if painful area had wounded it must be cleaned before use this product.

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你可以从了解更多有关“氟化物的危险”和为什么在任何时候都不应该内服。You can learn more about the dangers of fluoride and why it should not be ingested internally EVER.

接着他不慌不忙地取出药末,内服外敷,伤口即刻止血、结痂。After he took the powder of the herb orally and applied it on the wound, blood was stop immediately.

那个时代的文件上就清楚地讨论了铅不能内服,只能外用。Documents of that time clearly discussed how lead shouldn't be ingested but only applied to the skin.

每日1剂,水煎内服,药渣复煎,熏洗面部,每天3次,每次熏半个小时。Day 1, decoction orally, dregs re fried, Washing the face 3 times a day, every time smoked half an hour.

我尝试过很多美白产品,但我还是最喜欢用牛奶敷面,同时内服它。I have tried many whitening products, but I like to apply milk on my face the most and drink it as well.

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目的探讨内服养颜祛斑颗粒抗皮肤衰老作用及机制。Objective To investigate the mechanism of anti-aging effect of Yangyan Quban particles on the aging skin.

期间曾行冷冻治疗、电灼治疗多次,内服、外用及肌注药物多种,均未奏效。During this course do frozen, burned and take orally drug, injected and so on, all ways were of no effect.

三七在几乎所有好的外用药方中都会有,但内服时要注意孕妇慎用。San Qi is in about every good external formula, but care should be taken internally especially if pregnant.