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我对艾思梅耳语道。I whispered to Esme.

哪怕是一声耳语,一个念想。Not a whisper, not a thought.

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“在花园里,”他耳语道。"And in the garden, " he whispered.

奥瑟罗什麽!他们从来不曾低声耳语吗?Ot dello. What, did they never whisper?

胖子欠身对她耳语几句。Fatso leaned over to whisper in her ear.

有手下入来向他耳语汇报情况。Have to whisper into his hand to report.

“你不该来这里,”夏耳语道。"You shouldn't be here, " Xia whispered.

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但海伦还是不时地听见他们的耳语。But Helen heard their whispers now and then.

到这儿来,拉妮,让我用耳语告诉你。Come here, Lanie, let me whisper in your ear.

热烈的呼吸,温柔的低音,耳语。Warm breath, light whisper, tender semi-tone.

这个声音的语气降低为纯粹的耳语。The voices had toned away to mere whisperings.

一些女孩子笑起来并互相耳语。Some girls smiled and whispered with each other.

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在握了握手之后,他便在牧师耳根小声耳语着什么。They shook hands and he whispered to the pastor.

他们低声耳语惟恐被人听见。They spoke in whispers lest they should be heard.

他把指挥官拉到一边,耳语一阵。He took the C.O. aside for a whispered conference.

窗上的通风机发出了耳语般轻微的嗡嗡声。The fan at the window made a small whispering roar.

他们的耳语有如风雨声。Its whisperings had the hoarse accent of a vibration.

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我看见动荡的鬼魂和他们低声的耳语。I see unquiet ghosts and speak their whispered tongue.

你也可以听到有关爸爸一夫多妻的耳语。You can hear the whisperings about a polygamous father.

探寻者必须拒绝低等自我的邪恶耳语。The seeker must reject evil whisperings of the lower self.