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一个试验载荷作用于该梁上。A test load was applied to the girder.

消息有效载荷与消息元数据。Message payload and message meta data.

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高接触角带有相当的轴向载荷。High contact angles carry high axial loads.

嵌岩桩静载荷试验调查结果也证实了这一点。The static loading test result also approved it.

切勿使用过大的压盖载荷来压挤盘根。Do not jam the packing by excessive gland loading.

操作温度较广、无超载荷危险。Operate wide of temperature, overload no dangerous.

偏载载荷必须远离台边约300毫米。Partial load must be kept away from ringside ca. 300 mm.

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它的范围可达15英里,携带400磅重的有效载荷。It can range up to 15 miles and carry a 400-pound payload.

讨论了破口裂开时间对受力载荷的影响。The effects of break time on force loadings are discussed.

就是在地面,一次巨大的太阳风暴也能使电网超过载荷。Even on the ground, a large flare can overload power grids.

然而,我选择了装载荷约克的真正原因是人民。However, the real reason I chose Mount Holyoke is the people.

为高速高载荷涨圈密封系统的设计提供支持。Support the high speed and high load ring seal system design.

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实际上,大多数油井套管的损坏是由非均匀载荷引起的。In fact, most of casings are collapsed by non-uniform loading.

只是15公斤的有效载荷。不管怎样,还是祝贺吧。Its only a 15kg payload. Anyway congratulation. Syabas – lah !

建立带吊挂载荷的直升机飞行动力学模型。A helicopter mathematical model with a slung load is described.

该系列高空作业平台工作高度最大可达16米,额定载荷可达250公斤。Reach working height of up to 16m, and the load of up to 250kg.

该团队目前正在ITT公司为导航有效载荷的PDR进行改进。The team is now gearing up for a navigation payload PDR at ITT.

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计算了结构压缩的载荷-位移曲线和变形情况。The force-displacement curve and the deformation are calculated.

分析外载荷作用下沥青混合料的应力状态。The stress status of asphalt-mixed-stuff under load is analyzed.

对尾桨载荷噪声的预测方法进行了研究。A prediction method for the load noise of tail rotors is studied.