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这位小兄弟何以对当今圣上如此推崇?This small brothers why to nowadays angel up adore thus?

而为表圣上仁慈,通知严世藩将杨秀从轻发落。And for the table holy mercy, will inform YanShiFan Yang Xiu lenient.

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我亲爱的朋友,圣上这个时候已在格勒诺布尔的路上了。My dear fellow, the emperor is at this moment on the way to Grenoble.

神秘女子认出馔母便是当年收留她女儿的人,亦正是圣上要找的人。Mother is that mysterious woman recognized delicious received her daughter, also is the home for people.

圣上,请注意您的身体,您可是我们大帝国的整个生存核心!Your majesty, Please take a good care of your body, remember, by all means you are the heart of our great empire!

仁叶被关入大牢令计划出现了问题,万月堂决定直接潜入宫中找圣上。Su leaf was put into prison ling jihua appeared problem, Wan Yue hall decided directly into the palace to find home.

为了提高圣上效率,生产企业在工艺技术和生产管理上也下足了功夫。In order to improve the efficiency, the production enterprises take more effort in technology and production management.

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她不知道是要画成我的肖像或是画成圣上师或圣尊的模样,并且透过那附呈信件来徵求我的意见。She wondered whether to paint it as my portrait or me as a holy teacher or a holy being, and sought my advice through the letter attached.

樱若是韶王府上唯一的郡主,又得当今圣上亲赐封号“韵淑”,身份自然是矜贵。Cherry if the Shao is the only princess of your home potentate, again nowadays angel up allow "verse Shu" in person, the identity ecology is that the Guan is expensive.

倘若这些导师曾受一位圣上师的教导,这些较高的界域就会向他们揭露,他们就会被告知路径并且得到行走这条道路的协助。Had these teachers been instructed by a Sant Sat Guru, those higher regions would have been revealed to them. Then they would have been shown the way and helped on the onward path.