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她总是在购买服装上大手大脚。She always squanders on clothing.

我的女儿花钱总是大手大脚。My daughter is too careless with money.

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我大手大脚花了一笔钱买了两套新衣服。I had a splurge and bought two new suits.

他由于大手大脚地花钱而负了大量的债。He contracted huge debts by rash spending.

他是个花花公子,花起钱来大手大脚惯了。He is a playboy, and spends money hand-over-fist.

他在花费支出上的大手大脚令全国选民为之愤慨。A cavalier attitude to expenses incensed voters at home.

兰迪花钱大手大脚,所以他每逢月底常一毛不剩。Randy's prodigal spending usually leaves him broke at the end of each month.

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两个花费都大手大脚的人可能需要第三方来帮助你们进行导航。Two spenders may need to get a third party to help them to navigate their future.

随着大手大脚的消费者缩减支出,预计将有更多的传统商家关门大吉。Expect more bricks and mortar stores to close as overstretched consumers retrench.

我过去管家大手大脚,现在要开始节约了,没什么不好意思的。I have been a liberal housekeeper but I shall not be ashamed to practice economy now.

年景好的时候,比如高新科技经济期,钱来得快政客花的大手大脚。In good years, such as during the dotcom boom, revenues soar and politicians happily spend.

小Q则是一个飞扬跳脱的青年,爱玩爱闹,花钱大手大脚。Small Q is one flies upwards the bracelet youth, likes enjoying noisily , spends wastefully.

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萧芝媚担任高尔佳超市的总经理后,大手大脚花钱。Xiao Zhimei served as the general manager of the high champion supermarket, wasteful spending.

普鲁士的腓特烈大帝热爱音乐,他很糟糕,花钱大手大脚You've got your flute-playing king, Frederick the Great, who could be awful. He could lash out.

简很爱托尼,但是当他们一起出去的时候,托尼总是大手大脚地花钱,这使简感到很不安。Jane loved Tony , but she worried about all the money he squandered when they went out together.

其中一些可能一直很恐惧或者担忧,另外一些花钱大手大脚总是陷于债务之中。One of them was probably fearful or always worried. Maybe one of them over-spent or was in debt.

照我们今天的观点看来,汇编者使用奶油和砂糖有点儿大手大脚。According to our present day ideas the complier seems somewhat liberal with her butter and sugar.

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在花钱大手大脚的迪拜,作为主题公园“迪拜乐园”的一部分,一个185米高的摩天轮也动工了。Dubai, if its spending spree lasts, launches its 185-metre wheel as part of the Dubailand theme park.

消费者可能不会再像2007年那样大手大脚,但是他们会像2006,2005或者......年那样消费。Consumers may not go back to spending like it's 2007, but they will spend like it's 2006 or 2005 or...

芭蕉虽不高,但结实。他的大手大脚在爬险峻山道时派上了用场。Although he was not tall, he had a sturdy build, and his large hands and feet helped him climb steep paths.