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一位产婆监督了孩子的生产过程。A midwife supervised the delivery of the child.

他的实验由一种被称为产婆蟾的蟾蜍完成。His experiment involved a species of toad called the Midwife Toad.

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头一个沉甸甸地甩着她那只产婆用的手提包,另一个的大笨雨伞戳…Number one swung lourdily her midwife's bag, the other's gamp poked in the beach.

死亡的雄性产婆蟾躺在法国庇里牛斯山国家公园。Dead male common midwife toads lie on the ground in France's Pyrenees National Park.

庄王琇枝担任产婆工作三十多年,曾协助生产八千多位婴儿。Chuang-Wang was a midwife for over three decades and assisted in more than 8,000 births.

报告的作者都是相关专家,包括营养、母婴健康专家、医生和产婆。The authors include specialists in nutrition, maternal and fetal health, GPs and midwives.

其实苏格拉底的“产婆术”要比孔子的“启发式教学法”晚很多。In fact, Socrates "elicitation teaching theory" was invented far later than that of Confucius.

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这张摄于庇里牛斯山国家公园的照片,一只活的产婆蟾在两只死亡的雄性产婆蟾之间。A live common midwife toad is seen near two dead male toads in France's Pyrenees National Park.

产婆、卫生随访员和医生们应该在产后6周的例行检查时跟她们谈谈体重问题。Midwives, health visitors, and GPs should talk to women about their weight at their six-week check.

卡摩尔说,让产婆蟾在水中进行交配,他能证明它们也能长出这样的突起物。Kammerer said that by forcing midwife toads to mate in water, he could prove that they would develop the same bumps.

分析师偏袒受分析者的欲望,像个产婆,帮忙将那个欲望出来表达。The analyst sides with the analysand's desire and is a midwife that assists in bringing that desire to articulation.

这种高死亡率的背后直接原因就是由于没有专业培训的产婆接生造成的。The reason behind this high death-rate is most of the child-birth in our country is maintained by untrained midwives.

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反之,医生们和产婆们应该让孕妇们明白她们所面临的风险,整个保健团队都要控制好这些风险。Instead, GPs and midwives should tell women that they are at risk, and that their health care team will manage the risk.

培养助产士、改造产婆、设立产科机构等便成为落实分娩卫生的重要面向。The main facets included training modern midwives, re-molding the traditional midwives, running the maternity organizations, and so on.

苏格拉底"产婆术"在法理学教学中既有值得借鉴的价值,又有需要克服的局限性。The Socratic Method by Socrates in the Jurisprudence teaching has both the value worthy of reference and the limitations to be overcome.

如果你担心你的体重问题,请拜访你的医生、产婆或者卫生随访员,他们会帮助你制定行动计划。If you are concerned about your weight, see your GP, midwife, or health visitor. They should be able to help you decide on a plan of action.

这张三月九日摄于庇里牛斯山国家公园的照片,是一只雄性产婆蟾在后腿间挟带许多卵。A male common midwife toad carries eggs between its hind legs in this undated handout picture released on March 9 by the Pyrenees National Park.

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任何一位受过训练的产婆都会在她怀孕初给她一粒驱虫丸和补铁药,提醒她贫血的危害,为她鼓气。A trained midwife could have given her a deworming pill and iron supplements early in the pregnancy, addressing that anemia and strengthening her.

这份指南指出,你的医生、产婆、卫生随访员和其他专业人员向你提供的建议和帮助都应该基于理智的持久的信息。The guidance means your GP, midwife, health visitor, and other professionals should be able to base their advice and help on sensible and consistent information.

“探究”的思想由来已久,最早可以追溯到古希腊哲学家苏格拉底的“产婆术”,但是探究真正进入学习科学教程中还不到一个世纪。It can be dated back to the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates "Midwife, " but there is less than a century for the real inquiry into the tutorial to learn science.