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慈恩医院,218号病房。Mercy Hospital. Room 218.

他住在外科病房。He is in the surgical ward.

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他蹑着脚走出病房。He tiptoed out of the ward.

把病房用具还回来。Return the utensil, please.

走出独孤皇后的病房。Out of the queen dugus ward.

一个有30个床位的产科病房。A maternity ward with 30 beds.

当医药费通知单送到她的病房时,她不敢看。The bill was sent to her room.

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那个病人住在无尘病房。The patient lives in a white room.

我是这病房的护土长。I'm the nurse in chage of this ward.

这个病房由陈大夫负责。This ward is in the charge of Dr Chen.

在病房里什么事都有可能发生。Anything could have happened in a ward.

这样边说边走,就把他带进加护病房去了。As she talked she led him into the ICU.

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关海来到秦冰的病房,秦冰不在。Pass to Qin Bing ward, Qin Bing is absent.

妈妈在重症特护病房里一连待了一星期。She remained in intensive care for a week.

这个病人被抬到了隔离病房。The patient was taken to the isolation ward.

他谢过施奈德,来到特别护理病房。He thanked Schneider, then walked to the ICU.

一群人重新涌入病房。A team of humans re- stream out into sickroom.

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汉娜躺在病房里的一间小屋子里。Hanna lay in the infirmary in a small cubicle.

他住在本地医院的外科病房。He is in a surgical ward of the local hospital.

我是在布罗德莫精神病院的病房里长大的。I've grown up wandering the wards of Broadmoor.