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此时的东宫已是荒凉一片。The east is a piece of waste.

颐和园的大门叫东宫门。Summer Palace door called Orient House door.

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向皇上透露出如意被关在东宫的事情。The emperor to show up in the east of things.

太子拿起佩剑走出东宫当场拦住了囚车。Prince took the sword out of the east spot stopped black maria.

一个宫女就因私传东宫的事被杀了。A palace maid was killed for gossiping about the East Palace story.

的确,倘若东宫生变,我无法护你。Really, if the eastern temple livings to change, I can no defend you.

猥以微贱,当待东宫,非臣陨首所能上报。With humble, when two princes to east, the meteorite first can report.

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东宫顿趁火打劫超越了我,但又考试下雨了。Button took advantage of that and overtook me, but it started to rain again.

所以,琥珀屋就成了沙皇在圣彼得堡东宫的一部分。So the Amber Room because part of the Czar's winter palace in St Petersburg.

丞相入东宫当着太子的面表示要解散东宫卫队。Prime minister into east in front of the face of prince said to disband east guard.

出了东宫门,我们打的直奔奥林匹克公园、赏鸟巢和水立方去了。Toen namen we een taxi naar het Olympic Park om het Vogelnest en Water Cube te bezoeken.

随后晋王把在东宫拿来的小木人递到了杨坚面前。Then the king of jin in the east for a wooden man with a small YangJian handed over in front.

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第二天就没人谈论这事了。后来,东宫的小侄子们就都找不到了。Nobody talked about it the next morning. But later, I could not find all my little nephews in East Palace.

我早一圈进了站出来的时候超过了东宫顿,格洛克和韦伯,我的节奏还不错。I actually went to the boxes a lap early and ended up overtaking Button, Glock and Webber and my pace was good.

其中包括俄罗斯一些著名建筑的复制品如东宫、莫斯科红场。Among them were replicas of some of Russia's most famous architecture, such as the East Place, and Moscow's Red Square.

在此不同时期内,萧统和刘孝绰、何思澄等东宫学士分别担当了不同的角色。In each period, Xiao Tong, Liu Xiaochuo, He Sicheng and other scholars of the Eastern Palace played different roles respectively.

此时晋王也来到了东宫,太子见状顾不得形象当场又向晋王求情。At this time the king of jin also came to the east, the prince did not see this image and on the spot to the king of jin intercede.

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就像现在将她扔在皇后身边一样,入东宫侍奉的事现在连提都不想提了。Be like to throw now she the empress is nearby similar, goes into east the temple wait on to receive of matter now even lift all don't want to lift.

康斯坦丁·阿克汤姆斯基于18世纪绘制的水彩圣彼得堡东宫绝对是18世纪俄罗斯绘画史上的重要标成。Watercolor paintings of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg by Konstantin Ukhtomsky are an outstanding example of the magnificent 18th century Russian art.

蕊红随贞儿往东宫为皇长子把脉,嬷嬷告诉皇后指皇长子不适,已把他接往坤宁宫照顾。Core red over the zhen son toward the east for the firstborn son of pulse, mother queen refers to the firstborn son told discomfort, have to take him to the palace of earthly tranquility care.