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严禁破坏公物,禁止在墙上乱写乱画。Stop vandalism. Don't scribble on walls.

破坏公物者用刀划破了那些绘画作品。Vandals slashed the paintings with knives.

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毁坏这幅画的事是恣意破坏公物的人干的。The damage to the painting is the work of vandals.

毁坏这幅画的事是恣意破坏公物的…The damage to the painting was the work of vandal.

我们也曾经破坏过学校的公物。We have also destroyed the school public property.

一些破坏公物的人将火车上的座套划破了。Some vandals had slashed the seat covers on the train.

火车上的座位套子被破坏公物者故意撕破。The seat-covers on the train had been ripped by vandals.

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爱护公共设施,不损坏公物。Cherish communal establishment, not to mangle public property.

一些破坏公物的人将客车上的座套划破了。Some vandals had slashed the seat covers on the passenger car.

我们必须在更广的范围里考虑恣意破坏公物这个问题。We need to consider the problem of vandalism within ar context.

爱护公物,请勿损坏乘座舱内的设施。Take care of public facilities. Do not damage furnishings in the cabin.

她爱护公物,给我们所有的人做出了好榜样。She took good care of public property and set a good example to all of us.

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在冲动之下所犯的罪行,如商店扒窃、*损坏公物等。Crimes such as shoplifting, raping, vandalizing, etc. that are done on an impulse.

这位战士爱护公物,给我们所有的人做出了好榜样。The soldier took good care of public property and set a good example to all of us.

这些蓄意破坏公物的人在市中心地区敲破玻璃又泼油漆在建筑物上。These vandals smashed windows and sprayed paint on buildings at the downtown area.

他斥责卢局长私吞公物,扬言要到野夫那里告状。He rebuked Lou, director of the stolen property, threatening to the wild man there.

据报道,一些反抗者们因为偷盗或者破坏公物被捕。A few protesters were reported to have been arrested on charges of theft or vandalism.

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爱护公物,食堂的一切设备等肚缶蓉须造册登记。Care of public property, canteens and so on must keep a record of all equipment register.

具危险性及易损毁公物之活动或运动,如棒垒球、烤肉等,严禁进入校区。No dangerous activities, including BBQ, baseball or softball games, allowed in the campus.

文明观赛事,理智对输赢,语言文明,着装得体,热情大度。不乱抛物,爱护公物。Be polite, be sensible no matter win or lose. Talk politely, wear suitable clothes, and be.