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毕竟撂荒多年的地,又且在瓦砾堆里,菜地贫瘠的可怜。After all, put down barren years, and under the rubble, vegetable poor poor.

撂荒12年时,结皮和地上草被都开始起到增渗作用。To the 12 returning years, both the crust and the grass begin to increase the infiltration.

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撂荒地群落与自然群落中植物、沙质与非沙质生境中植物化学成分差异较显著。Also, the differences between those in sandy habitat and those in non sandy habitat are significant.

随着岩溶地区土地由菜地、耕地向撂荒地转换,土壤各项物理指标都有改善。With the vegetable land and plantation changed into deserted land, all physical standards are improved.

本来日子就紧,偏偏又赶上了一场大旱,地撂荒了,他饿倒了。Original day tight, it happened that again catch up a big drought, ground was dry, he was hungry to pour.

撂荒具有较早归还凋落物和增加土壤养分的能力。Fallowing played an important role in the early litter production and nutrients accumulation on sand land.

近年来,许多经济较为落后地区的农民进城打工,导致大量土地撂荒,造成了极大的浪费。In the recent years, many farmers go to cities and hunt jobs form the poor areas. It is quit waste that so much land are desolated.

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日本农民日趋老龄化,许多人找不到接班人,而他们自己再也干不动了,他们的土地不断撂荒。As farmers in Japan age, many have not been able to find successors and are abandoning their land because they can no longer work it.

“我们的斗争是抵制,由于这块土地撂荒不生产,我们将留在这里很快开始生产食物”,他宣布。"Our struggle is of resistance, and since the area is unproductive, we will remain here and soon begin producing food, " he declared.

麻风树是一种类似于大麻的植物,它的种植使得这些贫困的农民可以对撂荒的土地加以利用并变成利润中心。The Jatropha plant is sort of like hemp.Growing it allows these poor farmers to take what was unusable land and turn it into a profit center.

如果允许农民有较多自由处置土地的权力,既可以减少土地撂荒,也能够使土地发挥更大的效益。If you have more freedom to allow farmers to dispose of land power, not only can reduce the abandonment of land, the land can be more effective.

农田生产力从丘陵下部到顶部逐渐降低,丘陵自然草地和人工开垦的撂荒地也基本呈现同一趋势。The production of agriculture is lower and lower gradually from the foot to the top, the natural grassland and the waste field are also the same.

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退耕林地养分含量随土层变化缓慢,而农田及撂荒地变化剧烈。The soil nutrient condition with different layers changed slightly under Conversion from Cropland into Forest, but cropland changed significantly.

作者针对我国当前的农地撂荒问题,指出农地撂荒的根源在于农地投资的比较收益低下。Focusing on the wasteland problem, this paper points out that the essential reason of wasteland problem lies in the lower return of agricultural investment.

撂荒地具有较高的植被盖度和数量较多的草本植物根系以及枯落物的积累,其保水防蚀能力优于农田。The abilities of holding water and preventing erosion of cropland discarded are stronger than cropland thanks to its higher coverage, more litters and roots.

为此,根据马克思的地租理论,作者分析得出了保障农地投资收益以解决农地撂荒问题的几点启示。Therefore, based on Marxist ground rent theory, this paper puts forward that to solve wasteland problem we should improve the return of agricultural investment.

一般来说,边际化会导致相应农作物的播种面积减少,而完全边际化会直接导致农地的弃耕撂荒。In a general way, the marginalization of arable land can result in the sowing area of the crop shrink evidently and the absolute marginalization can result in the abandonment of amble land.

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在鄂尔多斯沙地改良试验站的撂荒地和退耕地,测定和分析了多年生人工草地对土壤呼吸速率的影响。An analysis on the effect of cultivated grassland on soil respiration rate was conducted for the abandoned land and the transferred farmland in the Ordos Sandy Land Improvement Experimental Station.