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队伍再次开拔。They marched again.

军队马上开拔。The troops will march soon.

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部队正向战场开拔。Troops are moving up to the combat zone.

兵卷残云提前开拔军营。With its cloud of skirmishers in advance.

翌早上他将从港口开拔起航。He'll sail from the harbor tomorrow morning.

你驻留在这里知道我们准备开拔。You will bide here until we are ready to march.

部队准备一接到命令就开拔。The troops are ready to move out at short notice.

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周一清晨,可以看到长长的车队从扎维亚开拔,驶向的黎波里。Early Monday, a long line of cars could be seen heading toward Tripoli from Zawiya.

古迪逊遭遇惨痛失利的红军又开拔了,他们将远赴意大利,于周四晚迎战那不勒斯。Liverpool resume Europa League duties with a trip to Italy to take on Napoli on Thursday.

司令官的命令是部队立即开拔去前线。The order from the commander was that the troops should set off for the front immediately.

这次经历让我十分兴奋——当其他人还来回奔波于行李传送带之际,我直接开拔走人。The experience was exhilarating—while others trouped to the baggage carousel, I hit the ground running.

那么说,他们开拔到白利屯去的时候,你还是毫不在意,没想到他们俩已经爱上了吧?When they all removed to Brighton, therefore, you had no reason, I suppose, to believe them fond of each other.

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两千年前于以色列王国中,腓力斯军队开拔至以拉峡谷中扎营。Two thousand years ago in the Kingdom of Israel, the Philistine army marched into the valley of Elah and set up camp.

美国国防部7日宣布,向阿富汗增派部队的首批1.6万人已经接到通知,准备开拔。The US Defense Department announced Monday the deployment of the first 16000 of additional troops being sent to Afghanistan.

就在队伍准备开拔之际,一只白蚁信使突然出现在城堡的门口,它带来了臭虫军队的一位将军发来的书信。As the forces prepared to march, a missive from a general in the bedbug army arrived via termite courier at the castle gates.

韦翰走了固然使伊丽莎白感到快慰,然而,这个民兵团开拔以后,并没有什么别的地方叫她满意。When Elizabeth had rejoiced over Wickham's departure, she found little other cause for satisfaction in the loss of the regiment.

6月3日,南军的先头部队从他们离弗雷德里克斯堡不远的营地开拔,朝西而进,直奔山纳多山谷。On June 3, advance troops of the Confederate army left their camps near Fredericksburg and marched west toward the Shenandoah Valley.

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杰克逊的人马在第二天清晨开拔。在他们出发时,联盟军的士兵们监视着。胡克将军认为李正在撤退。Jackson's men began to leave the next morning. Union soldiers watched as they marched away. General Hooker thought Lee was withdrawing.

更背上军用背包,穿迷彩服和作战靴长距离开拔越野拉练。Carries on the back the military knapsack, puts on the camouflage clothing and the combat boots long distance sets out the cross country conscription.

几分钟前,这些“为勇士祈祷的人们”被郑重告知,有部队将开拔前往正在围困之中的利比亚西部都市米苏拉塔。Minutes before, the 'martyr's prayer' had been read in an earnest tone as the group readied to journey to the besieged western Libyan town of Misurata.