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傻瓜冲在前,笨蛋打头阵。A fool always rush to the fore.

坦克在那次进攻中打头阵。The tanks spearheaded the offensive.

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三弟,每次都是我去打头阵,这次该你去了。Junior! I always go first, this time it's your turn!

这样一来,在反对美国快餐产业上,俄国人顺便成为第一拨打头阵的了。By the way Russians were the first as opposed to Americans at fastfood business.

四喜和王俊想让神医老人独自一人去黑尸林打头阵,便请他吃饭。Four xi and wang junwork want happy old man alone to black cemetery, under then ask him to dinner.

在股票市场运行在两个星期前,半导体类股打头阵更高。During the run up in the equity markets two weeks ago, semi-conductor stocks lead the charge higher.

香港举行了自回归以来最大型的游行,由基督教团体打头阵/头缆。Christian groups lead the rally as Hong Kong witnesses its biggest public demonstration since the handover.

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迈克尔打头阵,他所确立的领先优势帮助科莱特·凯勒战胜了澳大利亚的索普。Michael swam the lead leg, and then rooted his heart out as Klete Keller edged Australia's Thorpe down the stretch.

领导者就像牧羊人,他用最敏捷的羊打头阵,其它的就会跟着走,牧羊人静静地跟在后面。A leader, like a shepherd, he sends his fastest nimble sheep, out front. And the others will follow. While the stepherd, he walks quietly behind it.

俄罗斯队派出他们的大明星斯韦特兰娜·霍尔金娜打头阵,她以39.005的最高分数压倒了所有36位获得星期四个人全能决赛资格的运动员。Russia's team effort was led by their superstar Svetlana Khorkina, who scored 39,005 points to lead 36 all-around qualifiers for Thursday's individual final.

搜救人员需要确定干净的空气能保持数小时,因为打头阵的侦察队确定被困矿工的位置就需要两个小时。They need to be certain of several hours of clear air as it will take two hours for an initial reconnaissance team to reach the area where the missing men are.

油井漏油之初,奥巴马政府在很大程度上是把应对危机的差事交给了英国石油,后来又尝试一起做,但仍让英国石油打头阵。When the well first blew out, the administration largely left the job of responding to BP. Then it tried partnering, while still leaving the British company in the lead.

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据悉,凯特和伊丽莎白二世只是“打头阵”,在他们参观结束之后,将会有100万来自世界各地的民众排队等待参观,在白金汉宫本年一年一度夏季展览会上,最令人期待的展品无非就是有关于凯特和威廉的婚礼展品了。More than half a million people are expected to view the dress as part of the Palace’s annual summer exhibition this year, but her Majesty was give her own tour by the Duchess.