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相反地,她却对生活充满了企望。Instead, she aspired towards life.

当然,我们都企望孩子获得成功。Of course we want our kids to succeed.

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我只带着空空的手和企望的心。I start on my journey with empty hands and expectant heart.

拿破仑已经将欧洲的地图重新绘制——以适用他自己的企望。Napoleon has redrawn the map of Europe to suit his own ends.

不要企望时时阳光明媚,乌云哪会总是蔽日遮天。Hope not sunshine ev'ry hour, Fear not clouds will always lower.

因此,马克思只是说出了资产阶级一直企望的事情。So Marx merely stated that for which the bourgeoisie has always hoped.

人有智慧,就是要达到他所企望的目标。People have the wisdom, is to achieve the purpose of the what he wants.

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他在门口转悠了一整天,企望有机会同局长谈谈。He hung about the entrance all day, hoping for a chance to speak to the director.

抚恤基金企望高回报,这一不争的事实应该让政客们暂缓一下了。The fact that pension funds are hoping for high returns should make politicians pause.

我们不要企望将来会减税——这简直是痴心妄想。We need not hope for lower taxes in the future—that would be just crying for the moon.

你真的企望不耗损更多的时间研习就能提高你的英语程度?Do you reficwisly expect to improve your English without spending more time studying it?

这是关于孟山都公司企望以他们自己的想象与他们自己的利益再造这个世界的问题。It is about Monsanto seeking to recreate the world in its own image for its own benefit.

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这是有关孟山都公司企望以他们自己地想象与他们自己地利益再造这个世界地难题。It is about Monsanto seeking to recreate the world in its own image, for its own benefit.

日本可以选择什么都不做,却不能企望美国来缩小其防御差距。Tokyo could still choose to do little. But it shouldn’t expect America to fill any defense gap.

企望对加速天然气水合物的勘探提供一些有益的线索。In the end, the author hopes it may provide some useful clues to the exploration of gas hydrate.

大师和经典是造型艺术所企望的高峰,但这座高峰并不存在于子虚乌有之处。A master or a classic is not only the expected peak of plastic arts, which does not exist in nothing.

如果我们企望爱情“增长”,首先必须确认它得到了悉心的培植和坚定不移的呵护。If we hope for love "growth", you must make sure it has been carefully cultivated and unswerving attention.

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平等心是不企望不好的感受赶快消失,也不企望好的感受持续下去。Equanimity means not wanting unpleasant sensations to cease and not wanting pleasant sensations to continue.

这些交易大都是发生在经济比较好的时候,要是出现了一点差错利润就很少甚至没有----更别企望在经济大萧条时期会有什么奇迹了。Many of these deals, cut in good times, left little or no margin for error — let alone for the Great Recession.

在感谢您昔日惠予登陆器的共时,企望对我新公司也游戏介绍给夺信任。While thanking you for your valued support- I wish to asc for a continuance of your confidence in the new company.