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换算过来就是50纳米。In other words, 50 nanometres.

这是一种换算因子。Well, it's a conversion factor.

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把下列各十进制换算成以8为基值的数。Convert the following denary numbers base 8.

我今年22岁了,换算成海龟的年龄大约是35岁。I'm 22 years ins like 35 in s-ea turtle years.

把下列各十进制换算成以8为基值的数。Convert the following denary numbers to base 8.

如果将3磅换算成盎司,可得48盎司。If you reduce 3 lbs. to ounces, you have 48 ounces.

等一下,我换算一下,那就是将近30000奈拉。Wait, let me convert it. That is roughly 30,000 naira.

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欧元双行计算器,汇率换算,彩盒包装。Euro double screen calculator, converter, color box packing.

这就是从折扣率到投资收益率的换算过程That's how we go from the discount rate to the investment rate.

下面的这张换算表可以用于粗略的齿轮比换算。The below table can be used to get a rough idea on gear ratios.

以现在汇率来换算相当于一万四千美元。That is about fourteen thousand dollars at current exchange rates.

这就是从折扣率到投资收益率的换算过程So, that's how you go from the discount rate to the investment rate.

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换算成质量,就是24。7kg的钛。And then I convert that to mass, and that gives me 24.7 kg of titanium.

对试验结果进行实船换算,然后进行分析。Converted the experiment results to the practice ship, and analyzed it.

我就可以要求将其兑换成英镑,那么它的准确的价值就会被换算出。I then can request it in pounds and the correct value will be calculated.

不管是什么,你得学会换算,但我就不去做了Whatever it is, you've got to learn to transform them, but I won't do them.

换算成相同的高度后,这座教堂的倾斜程度比比萨斜塔多出6厘米。If both towers were the same height, Bedum would have a greater tilt of 6cm.

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但如果把它们换算成欧元,就没有那么贵了。but if you actually convert that to Euros, it's not that, it's not much more.

十字形截面轴心钢压杆有必要进行扭转屈曲的验算,计算方法宜采用换算长细比法。Axial steel struts of crisscross section need to be checked on torsional buckling.

并分析了湿迹与漏点的检测与换算。Finally, the detection and leakage points of wet trace and conversion are analyzed.