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我们每个人都是原创真品。Each of us is an original.

这只雕花盒子是件古玩真品。This carved chest is a genuine antique.

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但仍然可以找到一些真品。But there are still originals to be found.

你手上拎的古奇包是真品吗?Is that Gucci bag you're carrying really a Gucci?

画商证实这幅画是真品。The art dealer authenticated the painting as an original.

如果我得不到真品,那也可以用仿制品对付一下。If I can’t have the real thing, I can make do with the imitation.

这件双喜字的很好。我希望是真品。This one with a double happiness is splendid I hope it's genuine.

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经专家鉴定,这是一幅马奈的真品。This is a painting by Manet, which has been studied by the experts.

此外,它持续生长了15年,可以说我的真品兰花比我更大。Besides, it's lasted 15 years, which is more than I can say for my real orchids.

真品创作于盛唐时期,西安市唐墓出土,现已流失海外。Genuine creativity in the Tang period, unearthed in Xi'an Tang tomb has been lost overseas.

事实上,你可以肯定这些假冒的特洛伊安全套远远不如真品那样好。In fact, you can pretty much bet that those condoms are not nearly as good as the real thing.

他的近期目标是拥有一件印有他偶像科比名字的真品球衣。His short-term goal is to own an authentic NBA jersey bearing the name of his hero, Kobe Bryant.

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没错,这些明治时期的建筑物都是如假包换的真品,而非复制品!No doubt about what you seen here, these Meiji-era buildings are the real McCoy and not imitations!

他们告诉一部分志愿者这些眼镜是真品,又告诉剩下的人说眼镜是冒牌货。They told some of the volunteers that the sunglasses were real, and others that they were counterfeit.

人们买它是因为它是真品,他们可能是对的,心虚之情溢于言表。"Obviously people bidding on this thought it was authentic, " Brunk said, "and they are probably right. "

当他的复制品比真品更受欢迎时,“真正”造假品的主人开始起诉巴诺姆。When his replica became more popular than the original, the owner of the “authentic” fake tried to sue Barnum.

购买冒牌商品的人在展示自己时尚形象的同时,花费的开销与购买真品相比微不足道。THOSE who buy counterfeit designer goods project a fashionable image at a fraction of the price of the real thing.

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张文翊预计这一趋势将在今年持续下去,而亚马逊将扩大海外真品的范围。Chang estimated this trend will continue this year, and Amazon will expand the scope of authentic 2 overseas products.

博瑞公司拥有一个庞大的数据库,里面有许多已被鉴定为真品的古董小提琴,而且公司提供这些小提琴的复原服务。Beare’s has a huge database of old violins which it uses to authenticate instruments, and offers a restoration service.

父母已经答应了送给小天阳一个篮球作为圣诞礼物,明年生日的时候还会送给他一件洛杉矶湖人队的真品球衣。Little Tianyang has been promised a basketball for Christmas, and a genuine LA Lakers jersey for his birthday next year.