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约翰·斯图尔特·穆勒是一个神童。He was a child protege, John Stuart Mill.

在法国,他却是“五十亿天才神童”。In France, he's the " five billion whizz-kid".

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于是他们把我送到了一所为神童开办的学校。So they sent me to a school for gifted children.

我从来没有见过像他那样的神童。I have never witnessed such a wonder child as he.

她仍保持着神童的激情与敏捷。She retained the passion and quickness of a wunderkind.

艺术收藏界的神童实属罕见。IT IS rare to come upon a child prodigy in art collecting.

我们从报刊杂志上讲到有关神童的报道。We read about child prodigies in newspapers and magazines.

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曾是名神童,非常出名,但现在穷困潦倒。He had once been famous, a child prodigy, but now he was down and out.

这个是事实,即使那些我们认为是神童的人也同样如此,比如莫扎特。This is true even of people we think of as prodigies , such as Mozart.

作为来自利亚诺姆沼泽的神童,奥姬总是表现出惊人的音乐天赋。As a prodigy from the Lianorm Swamp, Augie always showed great musical talent.

中国蝶泳神童吴鹏在与美国名将费尔普斯终极对决前保持轻松乐观的态度。Chinese butterflyer Wu Peng is in an easy mood prior to a duel with Michael Phelps.

穿了一套可笑的服装,他被人以六岁神童的称号带到宫廷里去。Dressed in a ridiculous costume, he was presented at court as a child prodigy of six.

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在酒后的狂热中,他动了要创造一个音乐神童的念头。In his drunken enthusiasm, Melchior conceived the idea of creating a musical prodigy.

大部分的人将神童定义为早年就专精一种或一种以上技能的人。Most define a child prodigy as someone who masters one or more skills at an early age.

所以,从那一方面来说,我可以被叫做神童,但是我不认为自己有什么和别人不一样的地方。So in that respect I could be called one, although I don't think I'll go off the rails.

他四岁便被视为大提琴神童,七岁便进入享誉全球的茱莉亚音乐学校就读。A cello prodigy at the age of four, he entered the prestigious Juilliard School in 1962.

他四岁便被视为大提琴神童,七岁便进入享誉全球的茱莉亚音乐学校就读。A cello prodigy at the age of four, he entered the prestigious1 Juilliard School in 1962.

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唐玄宗时,有一个名叫刘晏的小孩子,才只有七岁,就被推举为神童,并且做了负责刊正文字的官。In the era of Tang Xuanzong a boy named Liu An was promoted to be an imperial censor at seven.

唐玄宗时,有一个名叫刘晏的小孩子,才只有七岁,就被推举为神童,并且做了负责刊正文字的官。In the era of Tang Xuanzong, a boy named Liu Yan, was promoted to be an imperial censor at seven.

这个自学成才的神童很快赢得了当地的一些比赛,他的职业生涯就此定下了轨道。The self-taught prodigy was soon winning local tournaments, and the course of his career was set.