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所以我只好改做方便面。So I make ramen.

我只好喊他的名字。I shouted for him.

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所以我们只好绕道而行。So we have to bypass.

只好暖着手冻着脸了。Had to warm to cold face.

白饭吃不成,只好苦一生。Can eat rice, bitter life.

所以我们只好剪掉她的头发。So we had to cut her hair.

我们只好一路挤出去。We had to dig our way out.

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他只好给他的身体解毒。He had to detoxify his body.

他只好把树叶子拣起来。He had to pick the leaves up.

我也只好承认现实的残酷。I have to accept the reality.

所以我们只好回去,继续等待。So we backed away and waited.

但气压计只好报废了。But bad luck on the barometer.

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她只好撤回她的控告。She had to retract her charge.

那就只好再接第二批货…That may take load number two.

最后一个人只好尽其可能活在世上。One lives, in fine, as one can.

她只好步行去上班。She had to drill to the office.

所以,我只好把我的博客关闭起来。So I have to shut down my blog.

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他们只好到别的地方去找了。They have to go somewhere else.

也只好这样了。We'll have to leave it at that.

司机只好把公共汽车驶入沟中。The driver had to ditch the bus.