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他们以2比利时领先。They're leading by 2-1.

上半场中国队以67比30领先。China led 67-30 at half time.

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他在百米赛跑中领先。He led in the 100, meter race.

让你的办公室使用科技领先技术。Make your office techno-savvy.

现在客队领先了。Now the visiting team is ahead.

上半场结束时,斐济以29比0领先。Fiji was ahead 29-0 at halftime.

或者说,小手指领先出水。Or the little finger acts first.

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女王的马以一马头之距领先获胜。The Queen's horse won by a head.

一球的领先优势远远是不够的。The one-goal lead wasn't enough.

如果是的话,你已经领先这个游戏。If so, you are ahead of the game.

第三节过后火箭队以74-59领先。The Rockets led 74-59 after three.

他跌了一跤,结果失去了领先的优势。He fell down, costing him his lead.

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我认为他们是从二零零五年开始领先的。I'd say they took the lead in 2005.

在中场休息时,堪萨斯松鹰领先了17分。The Jayhawks led by 17 at the break.

斯坦福德队处于领先地位。The Stamford team is in first place.

热火在第一节结束后取得30比16的领先。The Heat led 30-16 after one quarter.

我们在神经外科领域处于显著领先地位。We are marked leader in neurosurgery.

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上半场英国队领先。England were in the lead at half time.

伟大有时就是领先一步。Greatness sometimes is one step ahead.

我们队在前半场领先。Our team was in the lead at half time.