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律师是从来不会行动缓慢的,他们已经蜂拥而上。Lawyers, who are never slow to react, are swarming.

我认为他们蜂拥而上并非因为我是女的。I don't think they're piling on because I'm a woman.

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她们便蜂拥而上,向我们兜售起小块的水晶石。They wanted to sell us little pieces of rock crystal.

士兵们归来时也没有蜂拥而上的工作推介了。Nor are jobs eagerly awaiting soldiers when they return.

学生们蜂拥而上,入口处非常嘈杂。In came the numerous students. The entrance was very noisy.

大家蜂拥而上把”电线杆“一阵猛跺,让后把他拽到街道上。The guys jumped on the beanpole and dragged him into the street.

如今,虽几经努力,北京政府似乎也未能阻止这种蜂拥而上的趋势。And now, try as it might, Beijing seems unable to stop the stampede.

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火车一到,乘客们蜂拥而上抢座位。As soon as the train pulled in, all the passengers rushed to get seats.

如今大大小小的公司都蜂拥而上,想要了解和参与到社会化媒体当中。Companies large and small are rushing to understand and get involved in social media.

你穿梭在岩石之间,这样沉沦魔就不能从四面八方蜂拥而上。You move between tight clusters of rocks so that the Fallen can't swarm you from all sides.

它们看见了养蜂人,蜂拥而上,凶狠地蜇起他来。Seeing the bee-man they went into action simultaneously stinging him fiercely and maliciously.

我们所熟知的生物群,首先就会想到蜂拥而上的蜜蜂。When we think of swarms, we are familiar with the first thing that comes to mind is a swarm of bees.

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有些公司正在为京都议定书的目标和碳排放税收而规划未来,但市场并没有蜂拥而上对他们给予奖励。The market hasn't rushed to reward firms that are preparing for a future of Kyoto targets and carbon taxes.

阿森纳、切尔西和曼城也对他垂涎三尺,只要罗德维尔表现出转会的意愿就会有人蜂拥而上。Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester City were also waiting in the wings had Rodwell shown any indication of being ready to move.

加姆博阿开局不错,头三个回合,他的拳头蜂拥而上,没完没了。Gamboa started off well in the first three rounds of the fight, swarming Jimenez and hitting him with punches over and over.

当尸体经过的时候,餐馆里桌子上的苍蝇一哄而起蜂拥而上,但过了一会儿又都飞了回去。As the corpse went past the flies left the restaurant table in a cloud and rushed after it, but they came back a few minutes later.

但当冰毒来了的时候,尽管出现了因为过度吸食而导致牙齿腐烂的“冰毒牙”画面,孩子们还是蜂拥而上。When it comes to methamphetamine , though, out come pictures of "meth mouth"—the rotten teeth caused by heavy use. This message gets teenagers.

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那些蜂拥而上购买中国公司股权的人,很少去考虑其中的政治风险,而这又是必须考虑的一个重要因素,因为中国政府有权控制网络的内容。Few of those rushing to buy Chinese shares have thought through the political risks these companies face because of the sensitivity of their content.

记者们蜂拥而上,前去欢迎载誉归来的英雄。在一片鲜花和掌声面前,英雄激动地畅说。The reporters came in droves to welcome the hero returning home with high praise. In the face of flowers and applause, he waxed eloquent excitedly about his space trip.

好不容易停下一辆,路边等候已久的人群便马上蜂拥而上,剩下的乘客又只能退回去继续等车。Very not easy stop next, wayside queuing already a long time of crowd the Feng then and instanter hug but up, leave of the passenger again can regress to go on etc. car.