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国民党空军连日召开紧急会议,部署空防。Air Force days of the KMT held an emergency meeting to deploy air defense.

空防作战系统是一类复杂的军事作战系统。The air defense combat system was a class of complex military combat system.

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飞行区内发现不明坠落物体属于空防安全隐患。Found crashed unidentified flying objects in the region belong to air safety.

电热除雾双中空防爆玻璃,自动回力门。Electrothermal fogremoving double hollow glass, automatic back door explosion.

野田首相在日本东京北部的空防中心演讲时说道。Noda said in a speech at a Japanese Air Self-Defense Force base north of Tokyo.

双机编队是空防对抗中一种主要的编队模式。Two-plane formation is an important mode of formation in air-to-ground combats.

他表示,美英向利比亚空防和导弹系统发射了100多枚巡航导弹。He said 110 cruise missiles had been fired against Libya's air defence and missile systems.

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在未来战争中,无人战斗机系统的主要作战使命是空防压制、纵深打击和“空中占领”。In the future war, the main missions of UCAV system are SEAD, deep strike and "air occupancy".

最近,我国和世界各地连续多次严重的空难事件使空防安全的紧迫性显得尤为突出。The recent serious air disasters in the world make the situation of aviation security more critical.

特鲁多总理以此来保持加拿大在北美空防司令部的影响力。He did so if only to retain Canadian influence within the North American Aerospace Defence Command, or NORAD.

现实情况依然是,尽管她貌似一个军事强国,但其空防却远非无懈可击。The act remains that, though seemingly a big military power, she is far from invulnerable in her air defense.

奥运会的召开也促使双流机场的空防保障水平不断提升。Olympics also contributed to the convening of Shuangliu airport, the rising standards of air defense protection.

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然而,现实情况仍然是,虽然她貌似一个军事强国,但是她的空防远非无懈可击。The fact, however, remains that, though seeming a big military power, she is far from invulnerable in her air defense.

而美国人---我们拥有军舰和可以摧毁利比亚空防的巡航导弹---事实上才是在统领此次军事行动。Yet the Americans — which have the ships and cruise missiles to take out Libyan air defenses — are actually directing this phase.

NORAD负责为国防部和加拿大军队提供资金和设备,完成北美的空防和海上预警。NORAD brings together Defense Department and Canadian military assets to carry out air defense and maritime warning for North America.

为使空防对抗仿真更接近实战,对仿真情景想定设计作了改进。The design of simulation scenario of missile and plane's countermine was improved for the simulation more realistically in this paper.

来自新雷达的情报也有可能潜在地帮助黎巴嫩什叶派和真主党民兵的导弹武库和空防。Information from new radar also could potentially help the Lebanese Shiite militia Hezbollah with its missile arsenal and air defenses.

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以色列国防部官员说,购买20架下一代F-35战斗机是对以色列空防力量例行整顿的一。Israeli defense officials say the purchase of 20 next-generation F-35 fighter jets is part of a routine overhaul of the country's air defenses.

“这两个国家都可以向巴基斯坦提供建立生产短程及远程的空防系统,”他补充道。"The two countries have also offered to set up a project in Pakistan for manufacturing short- medium- and high-range air defence systems, " he added.

去年,阿联酋从美国购置了14个“独立者”空对地导弹,同时与英国签约购买英国“爱国者”空防导弹。Last year the UAE purchased 14 Maverick air-to-ground missiles from the United States and also signed a contract to buy US Patriot air defence missiles.