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不可动摇的信念曾支撑过他。Unflagging faith had persevered him.

我们是这样的快乐,我们的爱情根本不可动摇。We were so happy, our love unshakable.

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请记住,同志们,你们的决心不可动摇。And remember, comrades, your resolution must never falter.

然而冈萨雷斯的职位似乎不可动摇。Yet the embattled Gonzales' grip on his job seems unshakable.

它使得雷鬼音乐在世界主流文化中占据了不可动摇的一席之地。It placed reggae music firmly in the mainstream of world culture.

足球腐败甚至让不可动摇的罗西也感到震惊。The rottenness in football shocked even the unshakeable Mr Rossi.

作品的归属通常是一种假定,而非不可动摇的事实。Attributions can often be hypotheses rather than unshakable facts.

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我们强壮的体魄,有如我们强健的信念,如山脉般不可动摇。Our Bodies were Strong, as strong as our Faith, unshaken like Mountains.

他们深信你拥有一系列不可动摇的信念和商业道德。They'll know that you live by a non-negotiable set of beliefs and ethics.

奥巴马说,以色列和美国之间的关系是不可动摇的。Mr. Obama said the bond between Israel and the United States is unshakable.

既然如此,孙继海的主力地位当然不可动摇。Such being the case, Sun Jihai's main force status is certainly unshakeable.

如今,作为一位启发他人灵感的人,宫崎骏已确立了其不可动摇的地位。Now, he is firmly established as a figure who provides inspiration to others.

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多年的习惯使得我们对手机产生了一种不可动摇的信念。After years of conditioning, we have developed an unshakeable faith in cellphones.

起初,这些产品只是令人感兴趣,但不久之后,它们都成为了不可动摇的业界霸主。At first, these were curiosities. They'd soon become unshakable industry behemoths.

当双人同步比赛举行时,两张弹网必须平行与及不可动摇。During Synchronised Competitions the trampolines must be parallel and not staggered.

如果说,一天中有一个时刻,我一定、肯定、绝对、不可动摇地要看书,那就是睡前时间。If there is one time of day I always, always read, it is in bed before I go to sleep.

变得不可动摇意味着别让人和别的情况迫使你回应。Being unshakable means not letting people and other situations get a reaction from you.

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作为古典契约法的一个不可动摇的信条,其重要作用不言而喻。As an unshakable creed of classical contract law, its important function is self-evident.

上帝是美国文明大厦的精神支柱,美国民族不可动摇的信仰。God is the spiritual pillar of American civilization and the unshaken belief of Americans.

定力是指事物性质具有不可动摇的内力。The maintaining power means that the property of an object has an unshakeable internal power.