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这一结构叫做血红素基因。This structure is called the heme group.

非亚铁血红素和癌症之间没有联系。The non-heme iron has not been linked with cancer.

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铁是目前作为血红素和非血红素铁的食物。Iron is present in foods as haem and non-haem iron.

血红素铁更容易吸收比非血红素铁。Haem iron is more readily absorbed than non-haem iron.

维生素C大大提高了吸收非血红素铁。Vitamin C greatly increases the absorption of non-haem iron.

本文主要介绍从猪血中提取血红素的两种方法。Two methods of extracting haem from pig blood are introduced.

非血红素铁不易吸收的身体比血红素铁。Non-haem iron is less easily absorbed by the body than is haem iron.

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食物中的铁分为血红素铁和非血红素铁两种。Heme iron in food is divided into two kinds of iron and non-heme iron.

血红素加氧酶是血红素降解过程的限速酶。Heme oxygenases are the rate—limiting enzymes in the degration of heme.

利奥先生被允许转入肠胃科病房。他的血红素偏低。Mr. Leo is admitted to the gastrointestinal ward. His hemoglobin is low.

在NF3暴露停止后,高铁血红蛋白转化回血红素。At the cessation of NF3exposure, methemoglobin reverts back to hemoglobin.

血红素或球蛋白的正常产生收到干扰会导致贫血。Interference with the normal production of heme or globin leads to anemia.

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例如血球细胞中的血红素,其独特的红色便是由血色素所造成。The heme of the hemoglobin in blood cells gives them their characteristic red hue.

血红素是血红蛋白的辅基,有极其广泛和重要的应用。Heme , the prosthetic group of the hemoglobin, has been used widely and importantly.

此研究拟对运动与骨骼肌血红素加氧酶系统作以综述。This article aims to summarize exercise and the skeletal muscle heme oxygenase system.

相反血红素加氧酶过度表达则可能导致靶器官的损伤。On the contrary, excessive expression of HO will result in injury of its target organs.

遗传先祖能否解释非洲裔美国人糖化血红素的值较高?Does Genetic Ancestry Explain Higher Values of Glycated Hemoglobin in African Americans?

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而且,APX活性的增加可能是由于亚铁血红素库积累而引起的。Moreover, the increased activity of APX was probably resulted in the accumulation of heme.

疟疾寄生虫利用人类的血红素制造一种称为疟色素的颜料,它的上面有铁元素。Malaria parasites make from human haemoglobin a pigment called haemozoin which has iron in it.

血红素铁只存在于动物组织,而在植物性食品铁本作为非血红素铁。Haem iron only exists in animal tissues, whilst in plant foods iron is present as non-haem iron.