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作者似乎在力图标新立异。The author seems to strain after novelty.

这或许可以解释为什么伦勃朗标新立异的基督像从未大红大紫。Maybe that’s why Rembrandt’s new Jesus never caught on.

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那么,为什么这个TSU工程学院的新学位如此标新立异呢?Oh, and why is this new TSU degree in the College of Engineering?

一味的否定并非就是标新立异。To always negate is not the way to create what is new and original.

洪女士现年49岁,在中国一直是个前卫和标新立异的人物。At 49, Ms. Hung has lived her life as an avant-garde figure in China.

他从没有标新立异的决定,但现在伦农和唐宁都是充满创意的选择。There's been no spark. No maverick choices. Lennon and Downing are both inspired picks.

她们个性张扬,卓而不群,追求标新立异。Their personality publicity, Zhuo without Kwan, seeking means of differentiating itself.

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奥巴马先生和麦凯恩先生都已经足够标新立异了,不需要更多出格动作。Both Mr Obama and Mr McCain have already broken enough moulds without needing to break more.

在虚拟世界,“90后”还以共享的图片和视频标新立异。The post-90s virtual world is also characterized by the photos and videos they share online.

对于那些标新立异的宠物爱好者来说,养猫养狗可能已经过于平淡无奇,早过时了。There are those pet-lovers for whom a cat is too conventional and a mutt simply too mundane.

不过索尼是否能依靠“标新立异”来为PS3吸引新的玩家则还是未知数。But whether a different tack will succeed in drawing new players to the PlayStation 3 is unclear.

惧怕成为一个没用的人、惧怕没有钱或惧怕做新标新立异的事。The fear of being useless, fear of being without money, or the fear of doing something different.

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对那些喜欢冒险且有胆子去做一些标新立异的事情的人来说,肯定会喜欢这些有创意的广告。For those who are adventurous and have the guts to do something offbeat would love these creative ads.

如果你过于标新立异地抱守某种不合时宜的观念,你可能会遭到排斥、践踏甚至摧残。If you hold an unpopular belief too vociferously, you can be trampled, brutalized, ostracized, lynched.

奥地利作家卡夫卡,以其故事情节的怪诞离奇,艺术手法的标新立异和独辟蹊径。Franz Kafka, the wirte r of Austria, the one of the most understanding writer for his fantastic and originality.

也许你会认为他的方法有些标新立异,但那恰好造就了他强烈的个性。Perhaps you could call his methods a little unorthodox but that is precisely what makes him a strong personality.

标新立异的基础是所标立的新异符合事物发展的规律。The basis of doing something unconventional is that the unconventional should accord with the rules of development.

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他本能地感到,在这方面他若一个人标新立异,肯定会引起麻烦,而且也很不得体。He instinctively felt that in this respect it would be troublesome--and also rather bad form--to strike out for himself.

他的父亲,一名律师,选择英文字母C为他命名,认为这个名字简单、好记,而且标新立异。His father, a lawyer, chose the letter C from the English alphabet, saying it was simple, memorable and stood for China.

这在当时是标新立异的,许多政客和军医都觉得这过于出格同时又是稀奇古怪的。It was a current idea then and many politicians and army medical men felt it was revolutionary and positively nettlesome.